Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre. View directions
Contact: Sandra Coltman 023 8083 2430
No. | Item |
Apologies To receive any apologies for absence. Minutes: Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillor Vinson. |
Monitoring Officer Report: Investigation Report of the Council’s Director of Corporate Services and Monitoring Officer concerning an independent investigation into allegations surrounding a press release issued by the Council in May 2012 following the resignation of Councillor Keith Morrell from the Executive together with the report of the Independent Investigator, attached.
Additional documents: Minutes: The report of the Council’s Director of Corporate Services and Monitoring Officer concerning an independent investigation into allegations surrounding a press release issued by the Council in May 2012 following the resignation of Councillor Keith Morrell from the Executive together with the report of the Independent Investigator,Mr Richard Lingard was submitted (copy of report circulated with agenda and appended to signed minutes).
(i) that the report of the Monitoring Officer be noted;
(ii) that the report of the Monitoring Officer be referred to the Governance Committee to consider:
a. whether or not the current constitutional arrangements, protocols and / or guidance are robust and adequate; b. making any recommendations for changes to such arrangements to Full Council as appropriate, and c. whether the current training and development arrangements for officers and members should be revised.
Election of the Leader Minutes: Following the resignation of the Leader, Councillor Dr. Williams, the Mayor requested nominations for the election of a new Leader.
The nomination of Councillor Rayment was moved and seconded.
RESOLVED: that Councillor Rayment be elected Leader of the Council. |
Motion Motion to be moved by Councillor Smith:
“This Council believes that all Councillors should follow the Councillors' Code of Conduct and believes that Councillors should be honest and should at all times avoid the appearance of dishonesty in their activities as a Councillor. In particular senior councillors such as Cabinet Members and the Leader should take special care to ensure that they carry out their roles in a fit and proper manner.
Council agrees that should it come to light that a Cabinet Member or the Leader of the Council has been publicly dishonest they should forfeit their position to protect the reputation of public office.”
Minutes: With the consent of the meeting, Councillor Smith withdrew his motion.