Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday, 21st November, 2018 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre

Contact: Judy Cordell and Claire Heather  023 8083 2766/2412

No. Item



To receive any apologies.


It was noted that apologies had been received from Councillors Claisse, D Thomas and T Thomas. 


Minutes pdf icon PDF 118 KB

To authorise the signing of the minutes of the Council Meeting held on 19th September, 2018, attached.


RESOLVED that the minutes of the meeting held on 19th September, 2018 be approved and signed as a correct record. 


Announcements from the Mayor and Leader

Matters especially brought forward by the Mayor and the Leader.


(i)  The Mayor announced the passing of former City Councillor Richard Bates who sadly passed away peacefully on 27th September, 2018 aged 92.  He served as Leader of the Council from 1992-94.  As a mark of respect Council stood for a minute’s silence. 

(ii)  The Mayor expressed his thanks and gratitude to all those involved with the arrangements for this year’s commemorations on Remembrance Sunday.  Thankfully the rain held off to enable respects to be paid at 11.00am.  I have received messages of appreciation from many people who attended. 

(iii)  The Mayor was pleased to announce that Southampton and Fareham Legal Services Partnership had been awarded the prestigious Local Government Legal Team of the Year for 2018.


I am very pleased to announce that Southampton and Fareham Legal Services Partnership have been awarded the prestigious Local Government Legal Team of the Year for 2018. 


The judges stated that “the Legal Service Partnership takes a whole service approach to supporting clients, this approach was very evident from the additional evidence provided; particularly noted was the letter received from the Leader of Fareham Borough Council; also, the testimonials provided from colleagues in Trading Standards and the Southampton Port Health Authority.


The projects that particularly interested us and that we thought were very innovative were the Wellborne New Garden Village, the work that has taken place on the clean air zone and the secondary schools, SEND and school transport reviews.  This is particularly interesting as it involved the delivery of new learning environments and the expansion of city centre schools to meet new community demand. 


The testimonial provided by Rosie Zambra Transactions and Universal Services, relating to the seizure of a consignment of kratom mitragyna spciosa and its eventual destruction following two years of court process finally ending in the Court of Appeal was also particularly noteworthy as these proceedings were supported throughout by the internal legal service with some support from Counsel.



“The team takes a whole service approach to supporting clients amply evidenced by a range of testimonials. The team has worked on several very innovative and hugely beneficial community impact projects, together with significant case law proceedings. This team is hugely deserving of the LLG Local Government Legal Team of the Year 2018”

I would like to present the award to Richard Ivory, Director of Legal and Governance, Sarita Riley, Service Lead for the Partnership and the Legal Services Team Leaders if they can step forward please.


Deputations, Petitions and Public Questions

To receive any requests for Deputations, Presentation of Petitions or Public Questions.


The following petition has been received which under the Council’s Procedure Rules for qualifying petitions must be debated at Council:


Save Council owned care homes: Glen Lee and Holcroft House.  We the undersigned petition the Council to abandon its proposals to close the last two Council owned residential care homes: Glen Lee and Holcroft House and place up to 85 loyal care staff at risk of redundancy.   


(i)  The Council received and noted a deputation from Mr Ian Loynes concerning Hate Crime.

(ii)  The Council received and noted a deputation from Mrs Sue Atkins concerning proposals on how the Council can set a budget to protect jobs and services in the City.

(iii)  The Council received and noted a deputation from Mr Harvey Morgan and Mr Donald Hedges concerning keeping the Rest Homes open.


The Council received the following Petition which under the Council’s Procedure Rules were qualifying petitions which must be debated at Council:


(i)  Save Council owned care homes: Glen Lee and Holcroft House containing 1520 signatures.


In accordance with the Council Procedure Rule 13.2 “Motions without Notice” the Mayor used his discretion to allow a motion in the name of Councillor Hammond and seconded by Councillor Rayment. 


Motion to read:-


Having received the petition, listened to the petitioner’s deputation and debated the matter Council resolves to consider the petition as part of the budget consultation process. 




RESOLVED that the motion be approved.


The Council agreed to bring forward the questions received on notice to the Executive item 5 on the Council agenda, in the name of Councillors Fitzhenry, Hannides, White, Fuller, P Baillie, J Baillie and Galton.


1.  Care Homes – Removal of Budget Savings


Given the level of public and staff concern raised on the proposed closure of our care homes will the leader remove these savings proposals from their budget consultation immediately?




No. People are encouraged to respond to the public consultation, which closes on 16 January 2019. The results of the consultation will be used to inform the budget decision in February.


2.  Care Homes – Third Party Organisation


Prior to these current savings proposals has a public or private third party organisation been approached in the last 3 months, to either take over or joint venture with the council on running our homes?





3.  Care Homes – Improve Financial Positions


Exactly what measures have been taken to improve the financial positions of Glen Lee and Holcroft House and when were they taken?




The measures that have been taken are: recruitment to vacant posts, including the Registered Manager post at Glen Lee; termination of the short-term Quality and Compliance post; robust application of sickness absence policy; review of staff required on each shift while maintaining quality standards; and the approval of a plan to employ extra care staff with the ability to work flexibly across both homes.


Regular financial monitoring and reporting is taking place, as it is with all services, to ensure that the current position is understood by the team and measures to avert unnecessary cost are being carried out wherever possible.


4.  Care Homes – Projected in year overspends


What are the current projected in year overspends for each home and what measures have been taken to improve this situation?




The projected in year overspend for Holcroft House is £229,000 and for  ...  view the full minutes text for item 52.


Executive Business Report pdf icon PDF 107 KB

Report of the Leader, Clean Growth and Development, attached.

Additional documents:


The report of the Leader of the Council was submitted setting out the details of the business undertaken by the Executive. 


The Leader and the Cabinet made statements and responded to questions. 


The following questions were submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.1.


16. Itchen Bridge Fees

What is the justification for raising the fees on the Itchen Bridge?




The toll fee has not been increased since 1997.  One of the key reasons for the toll (as outlined in Section 22 of the Hampshire Act 1983) is to manage congestion using this route.


The toll would not be effective at managing congestion if it was not increased in line with inflation at appropriate intervals.


We are protecting city residents from the increase in the toll by maintaining the discount that is obtained through use of the Smart Cities card.


17. Charges on Citizens and Businesses


Does the Cabinet Member not accept that the Labour group have increased and have proposed to introduce practically every charge they can on the residents and businesses of this city and it is unfair to continue in this way?




Fees and charges are kept under review. For statutory services the fees are often set and cannot be varied. However, a range of non-statutory services are provided in a competitive environment which regulates the charges as well as driving efficiencies and customer service. Non statutory services are expected to at least cover their costs.


18. Itchen Bridge – Effect of Charges


What will be the effect, of the increased charges on the Itchen Bridge, to the air quality along the existing AQMA in Bitterne Road West?




It is proposed that only non-residents will be required to pay the increase in the toll fee and they may opt to use an alternative route. However, no significant or lasting impact on vehicle numbers or air quality along Bitterne Road West is anticipated. The toll may discourage private vehicle use and encouraging the use of public transport and sustainable travel which would help to improve air quality.


Measures to reduce pollution levels in our Air Quality Management Areas and other sensitive locations have been successful in recent years and we continue to see declining levels air pollution.  It is not anticipated that the proposed Itchen toll increase will have any negative impact on this.


19. Itchen Bridge – Impact of extra charges


How much longer will it take people to find the extra coin to pay your proposed Itchen Bridge toll increase and what impact will this have on bridge queues and therefore air quality in the vicinity of the Itchen Bridge?




The proposed increase in toll fees will be advertised in advance of implementation.


It is also anticipated an increase in residents up taking the Smart Cities card to obtain the discount offered thus reducing coins being needed.


The Service Manager for the Itchen Bridge does not anticipate significant additional time being taken by drivers to find the correct toll fee especially once  ...  view the full minutes text for item 53.



(a)  Councillor McEwing to move:


This Council notes:


1.  The obligations its owes to the Armed Forces community within Southampton City Council as enshrined in the Armed Forces Covenant; that the Armed Forces community should not face disadvantage in the provision of services and that special consideration is appropriate in some cases, especially for those who have given the most.


2.  The absence of definitive and comprehensive statistics on the size or demographics of the Armed Forces community within Southampton City Council. This includes serving Regular and Reserve personnel, veterans, and their families.


3.  That the availability of such data would greatly assist the Council, local partner agencies, the voluntary sector, and national Government in the planning and provision of services to address the unique needs of the Armed Forces community within Southampton City Council.


In light of the above, this Council moves to support and promote The Royal British Legion’s call to include a new topic in the 2021 census that concerns military service and membership of the Armed Forces community. We further call upon the UK Parliament, which will approve the final census questionnaire through legislation in 2019, to ensure that the 2021 census includes questions concerning our Armed Forces community.




(a)  Councillor McEwing moved and Councillor Fuller seconded.


This Council notes:


1.  The obligations its owes to the Armed Forces community within Southampton City Council as enshrined in the Armed Forces Covenant; that the Armed Forces community should not face disadvantage in the provision of services and that special consideration is appropriate in some cases, especially for those who have given the most.


2.  The absence of definitive and comprehensive statistics on the size or demographics of the Armed Forces community within Southampton City Council. This includes serving Regular and Reserve personnel, veterans, and their families.


3.  That the availability of such data would greatly assist the Council, local partner agencies, the voluntary sector, and national Government in the planning and provision of services to address the unique needs of the Armed Forces community within Southampton City Council.


In light of the above, this Council moves to support and promote The Royal British Legion’s call to include a new topic in the 2021 census that concerns military service and membership of the Armed Forces community. We further call upon the UK Parliament, which will approve the final census questionnaire through legislation in 2019, to ensure that the 2021 census includes questions concerning our Armed Forces community.




RESOLVED that the motion be approved. 






Questions from Members to the Chairs of Committees or the Mayor

To consider any question of which notice has been given under Council Procedure Rule 11.2.




It was noted that no requests for Questions from Members to the Chairs of Committees or the Mayor had been received. 


Appointments to Committees, Sub-Committees and Other Bodies

To deal with any appointments to Committees, Sub-Committees or other bodies as required.


It was noted that there were no appointments to Committees, Sub-Committees or Other Bodies.


Appointment of Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service

Following interviews taking place on 15th November, 2018 to approve the appointment of Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service.


The Leader of the Council reported to Council that the Chief Officer Employment Panel met on the 15th November, 2018.  Shortlisting for the permanent role of Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service was completed and interviews held for the role.  Following interview the Panel selected Sandy Hopkins, as a suitable candidate for the position. 


In accordance with the Local Government and Housing Act 1989 and The Local Authorities (Standing Orders) (England) Regulations 2001 the recommendation was confirmed by Council that Sandy Hopkins be appointed as Chief Executive and Head of Paid Service effective from 1st January, 2019. 




Report of the Director of Legal and Governance seeking to review Members’ Allowances, having regard to the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel.

Additional documents:


The report of the Director of Legal and Governance was submitted seeking a review of Members’ Allowances, having regard to the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel. 




(i)  To consider, but not accept, the recommendations of the Independent Remuneration Panel as set out in the Panel’s report, save in respect of an annual uplift in the Living Wage. 

(ii)  To adopt the draft LGA Maternity and Paternity policy and resolve that members of either sex taking advantage of the policy are not compulsorily required to attend meetings as required by Section 85 Local Government Act 1972 ie the “6 month” rule. 

(iii)  To thank the members of the Indepdendent Remuneration Panel for their work in reviewing the Members’ Allowance Scheme. 



Adoption of Gambling Act 2005 Licensing Principles pdf icon PDF 83 KB

Report of the Service Manager for Licensing seeking approval to the adoption of the Gambling Act 2005 Licensing Principles.

Additional documents:


The report of the Service Manager for Licensing was submitted seeking approval to the adoption of the Gambling Act 2005 Licensing Principles. 


RESOLVED to consider the revised Gambling Act SLP attached to the report as appendix 1 and adopt the revised Gambling Act SLP with effect from 31st January 2019 and for a period of three years. 


Addition of funds to Highways Capital Programme pdf icon PDF 79 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Transport and Public Realm detailing the additional funds to the Highways Capital Programme.

Additional documents:


The report of the Cabinet Member for Transport and Public Realm was submitted seeking approval for the addition of £2.98m, with approval to spend, to the Highways Capital Programme in 2018/19. 




(i)  To approve an increase to the Highways Capital Programme totalling £2.9m in 2018/19.

(ii)  To grant approval to spend of the additional £2.98m in 2018/19.


Purchase of new Refuse Collection Vehicles pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Transport and Public Realm seeking approval for £2.9million capital funding to enable the purchase of 17 Refuse Collection Vehicles. 


Report of the Cabinet Member for Transport and Public Realm was submitted seeking approval for £2.9m capital funding to enable the purchase of 17 Refuse Collection Vehicles. 


RESOLVED to allocate £2.9m capital funding to enable the purchase of 17 Refuse Collection Vehicles. 


Townhill Park Infrastructure Fund and Future Programme pdf icon PDF 81 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Homes and Culture detailing the Housing Infrastructure Fund Offer and commitment to future delivery of the regeneration scheme.


Report of the Cabinet Member for Homes and Culture was submitted detailing the Housing Infrastructure Fund Offer and commitment to future delivery of the regeneration scheme. 




(i)  To approve the acceptance of the £3.75m offer of grant from Homes England Housing Infrastructure Fund subject to the satisfactory agreement of conditions with Homes England in recommendation (i) to Cabinet.

(ii)  To note, subject to match funding being confirmed, approval will be sought as part of the Capital Programme update to Council in February 2019, to add (and spend) £3.75m to the Transport and Public Realm Capital Programme.  This would be phased 2018-19 £70,000, 2019-20 £2,210,000 and 2020-21 £1,470,000, to be funded from the Homes England Grant. 



Report of the Director Finance and Commercialisation providing an overview of the Treasury Management (TM) activities and performance for 2018/19 against the approved Prudential Indicators for External Debt and Treasury Management.

Additional documents:


Report of the Director of Finance and Commercialisation was submitted providing an overview of the Treasury Management activities and performance for 2018/19 against the approved Prudential Indicators for External Debt and Treasury Management. 




(i)  To note the current and forecast position with regards to these indicators and approve any changes.

(ii)  To note that the continued proactive approach to Treasury Management has led to reductions in borrowing costs and safeguarded investment income during the year. 

(iii)  To note the cost implications of the capital programme on the Council as detailed in table 4 of the report.  These have been taken into account in the revenue budget. 

(iv)  To continue to delegate authority to the S151 Officer to make any future changes which benefit the authority and to report back at the meeting of Full Council on 20th February, 2019. 


Overview and Scrutiny - Summary of Call-In Activity

To note that there has been no use of the Call-In procedure since last reported to Council. 


Council noted that there had been no use of the Call-in procedure since last report to Council.