Agenda and minutes

Council - Wednesday, 16th September, 2015 2.00 pm

Venue: Council Chamber - Civic Centre

Contact: Sandra Coltman 023 8083 2718 

No. Item



To receive any apologies.


Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors Chaloner, B. Harris, L. Harris, Smith and Thomas.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 20 KB

To authorise the signing of the minutes of the Council Meeting and the Extraordinary Council Meeting held on 15 July, 2015, attached.

Additional documents:


RESOLVED that the minutes of the Council meeting together with the minutes of the Extraordinary Council meeting held on 15th July, 2015 be approved and signed as correct records.


Announcements from the Mayor and Leader

Matters especially brought forward by the Mayor and the Leader.




The Leader announced the signing of a covenant between the communities of the UK, the Netherlands and the USA to work in partnership towards a joint 400th commemoration of the sailing of the Mayflower in 1620. The Leader handed the covenant to the Mayor on behalf of the Council.




Members noted that at the Associated Port Health Authorities’ Conference (APHA), the presidency medal had been awarded to Southampton City Council. It was hoped that Southampton would be able to host the 2016 APHA Conference.


Deputations, Petitions and Public Questions

To receive any requests for Deputations, Presentation of Petitions or Public Questions.


The Council received and noted a deputation from Sam Goold concerning Mental Health.


Executive Business pdf icon PDF 102 KB

Report of the Leader of the Council, attached.

Additional documents:


The report of the Leader of the Council was submitted setting out the details of the business undertaken by the Executive.


The Leader announced a change in delegated authority for functions in that Councillor Kaur would now lead on the City’s response to the refugee crisis and that Councillor Payne would therefore assume the responsibility for community safety.


The Leader and the Cabinet made statements and responded to Questions.


The following questions were then submitted in accordance with Council procedure Rule 11.1


1.  Southampton Football Club – subsidised bus travel


Question from Councillor Keogh to Councillor Rayment


Can the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport please update members on whether any recent discussions have taken place with Southampton Football Club to re-introduce subsidised bus travel on match days and is there any possibility of extending the match day parking restrictions to those roads being unfairly affected by match day parking, particularly in my ward Peartree?




The Football Club have been advised of the Council’s formal position which is that all requirements under the Section 106 agreement should be met. If the Football Club is seeking to amend the Section 106, they will need to submit a Deed of Variation application. The Council understands that the Football Club is intending to pursue this option. If any changes are proposed via a Deed of Variation, planning will be looking for something of equal value or equal impact in its place. Legal Services have advised that the application would need to be considered by the Planning and Rights of Way Panel.


The existing match day parking restrictions were set up as part of the Section 106 agreement when the stadium was originally built. The Council could not retrospectively require that the Football Club contribute to the cost of additional match day parking restrictions.


2.  Safeguarding


Question from Councillor Pope to Councillor Jeffery


At August Cabinet, in response to questions from a member of the public on the lack of stability of social workers, and yet more overspends on safeguarding, Cllr Chaloner admitted that Southampton City Council has failed over a number of years to protect children. How many (i) children (ii) families, have continued to have been failed by the Labour-run Council and its safeguarding partners in each ward of the City since May 2012? How can the public have any faith in the latest plans to address these concerns now, when all previous plans have failed?




The Council is working effectively to safeguard 4492 children in need including those on child protection plans and another 625 children in care.  We are not knowingly failing any children and we have developed a comprehensive MASH as a single point of entry to ensure the safeguarding of all children.


3.  Priorities in Portfolio


Question from Councillor Pope to Councillor Kaur


Please place the following choices in your Portfolio in order of priority, most important first:


1. Meeting targets for revenue generated by properly marketing visits to the Sea City Museum  ...  view the full minutes text for item 44.



(a)  Councillor White to move:


The City Council recognises the CCG desire to improve the Community Services within the City but because of the lack of Health services on the East and associated transport problems we request that those Walk In facilities at the Bitterne Walk In Centre be maintained. Furthermore the minimal savings (less than 0.3% of the CCG Budget) from the Walk In Centre closure be found from services in general rather than lose a service valued by those on the East.


(b)  Councillor Lewzey to move:

This Council supports the aim of reducing the stigma and resulting discrimination often experienced by people affected by mental health issues. We support the ‘Time to Change’ campaign being planned for the weeks around World Mental Health Day on 10th October 2015 to publicise the need to change the way that we all behave towards people who have mental health issues.

Public understanding of the reality of mental health issues has been improving in recent years but much remains to be done. One in four of us will experience a significant mental health concern. Each of those people will have family members or other close relationships who will be affected as a result. All of us will know someone as family or friend, or study with someone or work with someone who is affected. Mental health issues can affect young people, people of working age or older people. The impact on people in family, working, educational or social life can be profound.

We recognise that if we are to be successful in changing stigma and discrimination we need all parts of the city’s population and organisations to contribute. This will be of special concern to people who use services, carers and organisations working in partnership to provide help with mental health.

Since mental health is everyone’s business Council Members, together with others in Southampton, will be offered the chance to attend a number of events and activities during October.

Of special note is the initiative being taken by OSMC and the special City Council Scrutiny Panel that will be looking at the situation for people with dementia in Southampton and how the City is progressing in order to become a fully Dementia-friendly city.

(c)  Councillor Fuller to move:

This Council recognises the important role libraries play in the social fabric of our city and calls on the Executive to commit to keeping Southampton's library buildings open. The contribution libraries make cannot simply be measured in the number of books borrowed. Many of our libraries have also developed into vibrant community centres, without any additional cost to the Council. These centres have become vital community hubs that have enriched and helped bond local communities. A safe and secure place for children, an enriching and motivating environment, a place for getting back on your feet or simply somewhere to reflect quietly - our libraries provide all of these and our residents need and deserve them.

NOTE:  This motion has been submitted under  ...  view the full agenda text for item 45.


(a)   Walk In facilities at the Bitterne Walk In Centre


Councillor White moved and Councillor Hannides seconded:


“The City Council recognises the CCG desire to improve the Community Services within the City but because of the lack of Health services on the East and associated transport problems we request that those Walk In facilities at the Bitterne Walk In Centre be maintained. Furthermore the minimal savings (less than 0.3% of the CCG Budget) from the Walk In Centre closure be found from services in general rather than lose a service valued by those on the East”.


Amendment moved by Councillor Letts and seconded by Councillor Payne


Insert new first paragraph:


This Council condemns the vicious in year cut proposed by the Conservative government from our public Health budget coupled with reduced funding to the Southampton CCG. All this at a time when all other CCG’s in Hampshire have seen an increase in funding.


In fourth line deletesecond sentence Furthermore the minimal savings (less than 0.3% of the CCG Budget) from the Walk In Centre closure be found from services in general rather than lose a service valued by those on the East”.


And replace with:


until an alternative comprehensive GP based out of hours service is available to patients registered at Southampton GP's”.


Amended motion to read


“This Council condemns the vicious in year cut proposed by the Conservative Government from our public Health budget coupled with reduced funding to the Southampton CCG. All this at a time when all other CCG’s in Hampshire have seen an increase in funding.


The City Council recognises the CCG desire to improve Community Services within the City but because of a lack of Health services on the east and associated transport problems we request that those walk in facilities at the Bitterne walk in centre be maintained until an alternative comprehensive GP based out of hours service is available to all patients registered at Southampton GP’s”.


With the consent of the Mayor, Councillor Letts altered his Amendment and Councillor Payne seconded:


After “This Council condemns” delete all and insert “the poor funding settlement Southampton CCG has received compared to other CCG’s in Hampshire”


Altered amended Motion to read:


“This Council condemns the poor funding settlement Southampton CCG has received compared to other CCG’s in Hampshire.


The City Council recognises the CCG desire to improve Community Services within the City but because of a lack of Health services on the east and associated transport problems we request that those walk in facilities at the Bitterne walk in centre be maintained until an alternative comprehensive GP based out of hours service is available to all patients registered at Southampton GP’s”.






RESOLVED that the motion as amended by the altered amendment be approved.


NOTE: Councillor Shields declared a personal interest in the above  ...  view the full minutes text for item 45.


Questions from Members to the Chairs of Committees or the Mayor

To consider any question of which notice has been given under Council Procedure Rule 11.2.


Modern Slavery Bill


Question from Councillor O’Neill to Councillor Tucker


There is a widespread awareness that the Thai massage parlours that have opened across Southampton are also providing sex services for visiting clients. There has also been a growth in escort services that will go to clients. It is highly likely that some of these workers are victims of sex trafficking and held in modern slavery.With the introduction of the Government's Modern Slavery Bill on 31st July, it is timely to ask has the Council turned a blind-eye to these premises. If not what action is being taken?




Any issues concerning sexual exploitation and human trafficking are a matter for the Police, UK Border Agency and Immigration officials to resolve. No massage parlours are regulated by Licensing, but rather by Trading Standards who, through their checks on business-related activities, may reveal issues that may be of concern. As a licensing authority, we have a statutory duty to report any issues that may give us reason to believe that someone is a victim of exploitation or human trafficking.


The Local Government Association has widely reported to licensing officers and chairs the Nottinghamshire and Oxfordshire child sexual exploitation incidents, which were connected to licensed taxi drivers. This is an area of particular concern to me, as Chair of Licensing, given that the Government is proposing to lessen the burden on taxi and private hire vehicles via their Deregulation Bill which is currently being considered by the Law Commission. I have, however, offered to Cllr Keogh, in his capacity as Chair of the Children and Families Scrutiny Panel, the opportunity for me to discuss in further detail how Licensing in general helps to protect children from harm.


Appointments to Committees, Sub-Committees and Other Bodies

To deal with any appointments to Committees, Sub-Committees or other bodies as required.


It was noted that the following changes to the appointments to Committees, Sub-Committees and other bodies had been made:


Councillor Keogh had replaced Councillor Lewzey on the Governance Committee;


Councillors Burke, Coombs, Houghton, Lewzey, McEwing, Painton and Parnell had been appointed as Members to serve on the Dementia Scrutiny Inquiry;


Councillor Lloyd had resigned from the Licensing Committee.


Developing Proposals for Devolved Powers and Responsibilities pdf icon PDF 86 KB

Report of the Leader of the Council seeking approval to develop a proposal, with the other Hampshire and Isle of Wight Councils, to bring about devolution of powers and responsibilities from Central Government to the wider Hampshire area, attached.

Additional documents:


The report of the Leader of the Council was submitted seeking approval to develop a proposal, with the other Hampshire and Isle of Wight Councils, to bring about devolution of powers and responsibilities from Central Government to the wider Hampshire area.


With the consent of the Mayor, Honorary Alderman Vinson addressed the meeting.




(i)  that the Leader of the Council and Chief Executive continue to work with other authorities in the Hampshire and Isle of Wight area to further develop proposals and negotiate with Government in order to achieve devolved powers and responsibilities that will lead to better outcomes for local people;


(ii)  that the proposals should include a proposal for a new governance arrangement, covering the geographical area of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight that would enable binding decisions to be made; and


(iii)  that delegated authority be granted to the Chief Executive, following consultation with the Leader and after consultation with Group Leaders, to lead negotiations with, and approve proposals to, Central Government.


Education and Children's Social Care Capital Programme 2015/16 & 2016/17 pdf icon PDF 108 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Education and Children’s Social Care summarising the key programmes and projects relating to school expansion, repair and maintenance, seeking approval to additions to the overall programme and approval to spend on key projects, attached.

Additional documents:


The report of the Cabinet Member for Education and Children’s Social Care was submitted summarising the key programmes and projects relating to school expansion, repair and maintenance, seeking approval to additions to the overall programme and approval to spend on key projects.




(i)  that in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules, capital variations totalling £2.006M be added to the Education and Children’s Social Care Capital Programme from the non-ringfenced Department for Education Basic Need capital grant;


(ii)  that in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules, a sum of £3.328M be added to the Education and Children’s Social Care Capital Programme, to the Capital Maintenance programme, as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, funded from non-ringfenced Department for Education Capital Maintenance grant;


(iii)  that in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules, a sum of £1.266M be added to the Education and Children’s Social Care Capital Programme, to the School Expansions: Phase 3 programme as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report, funded from non-ringfenced Department for Education Basic Need capital grant; and


(iv)  that in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules, capital expenditure of £6.6M, phased £4.288M in 2015/16 and £2.312M in 2016/17, within the Education and Children’s Social Care Capital Programme be approved, to carry out works as detailed in Appendix 1 to the report. This includes approval for expenditure on Primary Review Phase 3.


NOTE: Councillors Fitzhenry, Moulton, Payne and White declared personal interests in the above matter, in view of being respectively, a supplier to a number of schools mentioned in the report, a Governor of Lordshill academy, having a wife as Vice-Chair of Governors at St Patrick’s RC Primary School and as a Governor of Polygon School. As these were personal interests, they remained in the meeting during the consideration of the matter.


Expansion of Springwell Special School pdf icon PDF 87 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Education and Children’s Social Care detailing proposals and costs for a multi-phase expansion of Springwell Special School to meet current and forecast demand, attached.


The report of the Cabinet Member for Education and Children’s Social Care was submitted detailing proposals and costs for a multi-phase expansion of Springwell Special School to meet current and forecast demand.


RESOLVED that in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules, capital expenditure of £2.7M, phased £1.1m in 2015/16 and £1.6m in 2016/17 be approved within the Education & Children’s Social Care Capital Programme to carry out work.


NOTE: Councillor Fitzhenry declared a personal interest in the above matter, in view of being a supplier to the school, and remained in the meeting during the consideration of the matter.


Overview and Scrutiny: Summary of Call In Activity

To note that Call-In has been received regarding the Libraries Report which will be submitted to Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee on 10 September and will be reported to Council on the next scheduled Call-In Report date.


RESOLVED that it be noted that Call-In had been received regarding the Libraries Report and had been submitted to Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee on 10 September and would be reported to Council on the next scheduled Call-In Report.