Issue - meetings

Westridge Road Car Park

Meeting: 14/03/2011 - Cabinet (Item 94)

94 Westridge Road Car Park pdf icon PDF 62 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Resources Leisure and Culture seeking approval of matters relating to the sale of land in Westridge Road, attached.

Additional documents:


On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Resources, Leisure and Culture and having received representations from a local resident and Members of the Council, Cabinet agreed the following modified recommendations:


(i)  To delegate authority to the Head of Property & Procurement to accept the offer set out in the confidential appendix 1 and negotiate final terms for the long leasehold disposal of the property, provided the new owner accepts a legal obligation to continue use the area of land identified on the attached plan (or a similar area) for free short stay parking regardless of whether motorists shop at the proposed new supermarket and to undertake such ancillary action as necessary in order to exchange contracts on a conditional basis (subject to planning consent and other conditions).


Additional Recommendations:


(ii)  To note that the Council would only agree to the leasehold sale if the supermarket operator is able to obtain satisfactory planning permission.

(iii)  To note the local concern regarding possible access for shopper’ vehicles from St. Denys Road and make this point known to the Council’s Planners.

(iv)  To resolve to look at whether some of the capital receipt could be used to reinvest into Portswood District Centre and the neighbouring area to support local traders and shoppers and mitigate any traffic impact on local people, having regard to the planned Sainsbury’s development. 

(v)  To review the traffic arrangements for the Portswood Residents Garden area, with regard to the impact of traffic using these roads as a rat run.  A consultation of local residents to take place in the first instance.