To consider the report of Cabinet Member for Children and Learning seeking approval to 1) School Travel Service Policy for Children of Compulsory School Age 2025-2026 and 2) Post-16 Travel Service Statement For Young People in Further Education and Adult Learners 2025-2026.
Additional documents:
Decision made: (CAB 24/25 47391)
On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Children and Learning and having received representations from Councillors P Baillie and Moulton, Cabinet approved the following:
(i) To approve the School Travel Service Policy for Children of Compulsory School Age 2025-2026 (Appendix 1) and the Post-16 Travel Service Policy Statement for Young People and Young Adults to Support Education and Training 2025-2026 (Appendix 2).
(ii) To delegate authority to the Executive Director for Community Wellbeing, Children and Learning, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Children & Learning to make minor changes to the policies during their period of effect.