Issue - meetings

2023/24 Concessionary Fares Scheme

Meeting: 14/03/2023 - Cabinet (Item 63)

63 2023/24 Concessionary Fares Scheme pdf icon PDF 468 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Transport and District Regeneration detailing the 2023-2024 Concessionary Fares Scheme.

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DECISION MADE: (CAB 22/23 36263)

On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Transport and District Regeneration, Cabinet agreed the following:


(i)  That Cabinet agrees to the 2023/24 Concessionary Fare Methodology to reimburse bus operators in line with the Department for Transport Concessionary Fares Guidance and forecast to cost £0.06M less than budget, as detailed in Appendix 1.

(ii)  That Cabinet agrees the local enhancements above the statutory minimum, which is to allow concessionary travel from 0900 rather than 0930 and between 2300 and 0030 for Southampton residents.

(iii)  That Cabinet agrees the adjustment to the 2022/23 Concessionary Fare Methodology at the cost of £0.21M and payments are as detailed in Appendix 3.

(iv)  That Cabinet notes that the 2022/23 methodology adjustment goes beyond Essential Spend and to note the considerable financial challenges the authority faces as set out in the 2023/24 budget report and Medium Term Financial Strategy (MTFS) agreed by Council on 22 February 2023, in particular the comments of the S151 Officer on the major risks faced and the inadequacy of reserves.  Cabinet is therefore urged to carefully consider very carefully any and all extra spending prior to making any commitment. The budget challenge is set out in paragraphs 38 and 39.