32 Children and Learning Service Improvement Plan PDF 346 KB
Report of the Executive Director - Children
and Learning, recommending that the Panel note progress against the
revised Children and Learning Improvement Plan.
Additional documents:
The Panel considered the report of the Executive Director – Children and Learning which provided an update on progress against the revised Children and Learning Improvement Plan.
Councillor Barnes-Andrews, Cabinet Member in attendance; Robert Henderson, Executive Director Wellbeing (Children and Learning), Southampton City Council; Phil Bullingham, Head of Service: Children’s Social Care, Southampton City Council; and, Julian Watkins, Head of Service: Safeguarding, Southampton City Council were present and, with the consent of the Chair, addressed the Panel.
In discussions with the officers, the Panel noted the following:
RESOLVED that the Executive Director reflected on the language used in the report when referring to service areas, practice and outcomes that required improvement.