Issue - meetings

CCG Reform in Hampshire and Isle of Wight

Meeting: 03/09/2020 - Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Item 9)

9 CCG Reform in Hampshire and Isle of Wight pdf icon PDF 278 KB

Report of the Chair of the Panel recommending that the Panel consider developing a response to the proposals to reform CCGs in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.

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The Panel considered the report of the Chair of the Panel recommending that the Panel consider developing a response to the proposals to reform Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.


Dr Mark Kelsey – Clinical Chair, NHS Southampton City CCG and James Rimmer – Managing Director, NHS Southampton City CCG were in attendance and, with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.


The Panel noted that this item would be returning to the 22 October 2020 meeting for a fuller discussion.  It was explained that the item would be presented to the Board of the CCG prior to this date.


The Panel raised a number of points including:


·  The Panel’s concerns that needs of Southampton residents would be side-lined as part of the reform.  The Panel expressed apprehension that the joining together of the areas CCGs would result in a reduction in focus on the health matters within the City;

·  The need for a place- based approach to health care as much as possible based on the needs of Southampton’s population;

·  A need for an explanation on governance arrangements and more detail on how the proposed reforms would work; 

·  The Panel briefly explored why Portsmouth CCG had not engaged in the merger and sought clarification on the benefits of any proposed changes.


(i)  the Panel delegated responsibility to the Scrutiny Manager, in consultation with the Chair, to draft a response on behalf of the Panel setting out the Panel’s comments in regard the proposed reforms in advance of the joint meeting of regional CCGs on 24 September; and

(ii)  the 22 October meeting of the Panel includes a more detailed item on CCG reforms in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight.