Issue - meetings

Turning the Tide on Childhood Obesity

Meeting: 25/02/2020 - Scrutiny Inquiry Panel - Tackling Childhood Obesity in Southampton (Item 15)

15 Turning the Tide on Childhood Obesity pdf icon PDF 322 KB

Report of the Service Director - Legal and Business Operations requesting that the Panel consider the comments made by the invited guests and use the information provided as evidence in the review.

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The Panel considered the report of the Director, Legal and Governance requesting that the Panel consider the comments made by the invited guests and use the information provided as evidence in the review.


Following discussion with invited representatives the following information was received:


Bristol’s approach to reducing childhood obesity - Grace Davies, Principal Public Health Specialist, Public Health Team, Bristol City Council


·  A presentation was delivered by Grace Davies detailing Bristol’s approach to reducing childhood obesity.

·  Key points raised in the presentation included the following:

o  Bristol had 22,000 children with an unhealthy weight and the inequality gap was widening.

o  Healthy weight, with an environment that made it easier for everyone to be active and eat affordable, healthy and sustainable food was a key priority for Bristol providing vision and a framework for collaboration.

o  The Mayor of Bristol was supportive and championing the approach.

o  Targets reflected a long term approach:

§  Halt the rise in levels of childhood overweight and obesity by 2026

§  Close the inequality gap in childhood overweight and obesity by 2029

§  A Whole Systems Approach to healthy weight embedded by 2033

o  Reflecting complexity, a systems analysis mapping exercise had been undertaken with number of key partners to develop understanding of causes and relationships of obesity in Bristol.

o  This analysis helped to identify where we could act to make the biggest impact.

o  Significant amount of action was being undertaken across a number of themes.  Need to involve people across the system to change outcomes.  Evidence showed impact is greatest when changes made to environments where we lived and worked.  Bristol was tailoring Whole Systems Approach to meet Bristol’s needs.

o  Healthy Food Environments – priorityfor actionwas improvingfood environment.

o  Good Food & Catering Procurement Policy – Setting a standard for food Bristol CC had control over, including school meals, events and markets. This was beginning to have an impact on the food environment.

o  Bristol Eating Better award – There were currently 200 food outlets holding an award.  Aim was for 90% of food outlets to be engaged by 2030. Supporting changes to the food environment by, for example, reducing salt and sugar levels in dishes produced by food outlets.

o  Bristol Healthy Schools Award – Achieving the Bristol Eating Better award was a requirement of the healthy school award.

o  Local Authority Declaration on Healthy Weight – Set up by Food Active. This declaration, co-signed by Bristol’s NHS partners, committed Bristol to 14 commitments to promote healthy weight. It was a positive long term statement that the city was going to change the food and active environment.

o  Sustainable Food City – Bristol was going for gold in 2020.  Citywide partnership where the Eating Better strand was a key part. Included food poverty and sustainability.  A key initiative for Bristol led by Public Health & Sustainability.

o  Bristol had children focused work streams to work out how children’s settings could help to improve children’s healthy weight.

o  Bristol  ...  view the full minutes text for item 15