15 Update on Progress - Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust PDF 63 KB
Report of the Chief Executive, Southern Health
NHS Foundation Trust, providing the Panel with an update on
progress at Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, an overview of
the findings from the recent Care Quality Commission (CQC)
comprehensive report and information relating to the temporary
closure of Beaulieu Ward at Western Community Hospital.
Additional documents:
The Panel considered the report of the Chief Executive, Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, providing the Panel with an update on progress at Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust, an overview of the findings from the recent Care Quality Commission (CQC) comprehensive report and information relating to the temporary closure of Beaulieu Ward at Western Community Hospital.
Paula Hull (Southern Health NHS - Director of Nursing and Allied Health Professionals), Susannah Preedy (Southern Health – Associate Director of Nursing and Allied Professionals) and Tom Westbury (Southern Health – Associate Director of Communications) were in attendance and, with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.
The Panel questioned the Southern Health Trust representative on a number of matters including:
· The rationale for the closure of Beaulieu Ward that provides Older People’s Mental Health Services from Western Community Hospital. The Panel questioned why the ward was chosen given that its closure left Southampton and South West Hampshire with no such facility. The Trust stated that the decision related to safe staffing levels and recruitment. It was noted that the Poppy Ward staffing levels were higher and that a large proportion of staff employed on the Ward were unable to transfer wards as they did not drive;
· The steps taken to involve the relatives of patients to enable any additional transportation requirements. It was explained that each of the patient’s families had been briefed on any changes in care;
· The likely reopening date for the Ward was May 2019. However, it was explained that when the ward would only be opened when safe levels of staffing had been reached. It was further explained that the Trust had kept the ward manager on site who would be looking to embed any new staff into the ward and develop new methods of working that will further ensure the safety of staff and patients;
· In relation to the current consultation on the future structure of the Trust the Panel were informed that the trust was aiming to use a cluster format and keep in step with proposals set out within the local Sustainability and Transformation Plan. Panel Members were encouraged by the Chair to engage with the process and respond to the consultation individually: and
· It was noted that the Trust’s performance had significantly improved however, it was recognised that there was work still to do.
RESOLVED that the Panel:
(i) Requested that the key findings undertaken by Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust audit into events that culminated in the decision to close Beaulieu Ward on a temporary basis be shared with the Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel.
(ii) Requested that the developing new model for Older People Mental Health services is shared with the Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel when it is finalised; and
(iii) That Southern Health NHS Foundation Trust keep the Panel informed with regards to the proposed changes to the shape and structure of the Trust.