Issue - meetings

Adult Social Care Performance

Meeting: 26/10/2017 - Health Overview and Scrutiny Panel (Item 16)

16 Adult Social Care Performance pdf icon PDF 75 KB

Report of the Service Director - Adults, Housing and Communities outlining current performance in Adult Social Care and proposals to introduce a new operating model.

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The Panel considered the report of Service Director - Adults, Housing and Communities outlining current performance in Adult Social Care and proposals to introduce a new operating model.


Paul Juan (Service Director, Adults, Housing and Communities) and Sharon Stewart (Service Lead: Prioritisation, Safeguarding and Initial Response) and Rob Kurn (Healthwatch Southampton) were in attendance and, with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.


The Panel discussed a number of issues including:

·  the clarity of the information being provided and noted that the use of infographics would be helpful to provide context to the performance targets set out within the appendix;

·  that whilst prevention activity is reducing demand pressures exceed the budget envelope;

·  the driver for the new Target Operating Model was the need to focus on good practice.  This, if performance mirrors the experience of other local authorities that have introduced this approach, will result in better outcomes and will reduce expenditure;

·  the need for a change in culture within Adult Social Care to make the new approach work;

·  the potential benefits and of personal budgets and direct payments, including the safeguards associated with the use of direct payments; and

·  the implications that the contents of a letter received from the Secretary of State could have on the Council’s finances.  The letter outlined performance targets related to delayed transfers of care from hospital that the Council would be required to meet.  Failure to do so could result in funding identified for the Council being withheld.


RESOLVED that the Panel noted the report.