10 University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust - CQC Report PDF 61 KB
Report of the Chair recommending that the
Panel note the outcome of the 2017 CQC inspection and discuss the
actions that the Trust intend to take in response to the
Additional documents:
The Panel considered the report of the Chair recommending that the Panel note the outcome of the 2017 CQC inspection and discuss the actions that the Trust intend to take in response to the findings.
Gail Byrne (Director of Nursing - University Hospital Southampton) and Anabel Hodgson (Healthwatch Southampton) were in attendance and, with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.
The Chair and the Panel congratulated the Trust on the result of the latest inspection and discussed a number of matters including:
· The hard work that had been put in by staff to achieve the CQC rating;
· That the Emergency Department had been visited by the inspectors on this occasion;
· Actions to address the areas of improvement set out within the CQC report
o It was noted that a clinical working group had been set up to resolve issues where there were mixed sex wards at the hospital; and
o It was noted that the fridge temperature issue across the site had been resolved; and
· Issues relating to DNR (Do Not Resuscitate) / CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) processes. It was explained that matters had arisen in the processing of the paperwork of these incidents because of a disparity between national and regional guidelines. It was further explained that the Trust was taking specific action to resolve this issue.
RESOLVED that the Panel congratulated the Trust on the result of the inspection and noted the report.