Issue - meetings

Meeting 3 - Combating Loneliness for Older People

Meeting: 17/11/2016 - Scrutiny Inquiry Panel - Combating Loneliness in Southampton (Item 7)

7 Meeting 3 - Combating Loneliness for Older People pdf icon PDF 74 KB

Report of the Service Director, Legal and Governance regarding combating loneliness for older people.

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The Panel considered the report of the Service Director, Legal and Governance regarding combating loneliness for older people.


Following discussions with invited representatives the Panel concluded that:


·  A number of activities are being delivered by different service providers, often in partnership, across Southampton to combat loneliness experienced by older people.

·  Barriers such as transport and communicating the activities to the target market exist and can inhibit further initiatives and attendances.

·  The Panel welcome developments designed to increase vibrancy of SCC communal housing hubs.  It is essential that communities come together to build bridges and reduce loneliness.  The Community Solutions Group and developing Local Community Solutions Groups are integral to this.

·  There is a need to review services to provide greater alignment, reduce duplication and clearer access routes.

·  The approach to communicating and co-ordinating messages about living well in later life is piecemeal.  Need to be clearer about what is available locally.  Start early and it is never too late.

·  GENIE could be a valuable tool to help combat loneliness and all reasonable steps should be taken to ensure that Southampton is at the forefront of the development and implementation of GENIE.


RESOLVED that the comments made by Phil Williams, Health and Wellbeing Development Officer, Age UK Southampton, Paul Hedges, Senior Project Officer, Saints Foundation, Rev Erica Roberts, City Chaplain for Older People, Professor Anne Kennedy, Principal Fellow Research, University of Southampton, Professor Anne Rogers, Research Director of the NIHR CLAHRC Wessex, University of Southampton and Adrian Littlemore, Senior Commissioner, Integrated Commissioning Unit be noted and used as evidence in the review.