Issue - meetings

Executive Business Report

Meeting: 21/09/2016 - Council (Item 43)

43 Executive Business pdf icon PDF 104 KB

Report of the Leader of the Council, attached.


The report of the Leader of the Council was submitted setting out the details of the business undertaken by the Executive.


The Leader and the Cabinet made statements and responded to questions.


The following questions were submitted in accordance with Council Procedure Rule 11.1. 


1.  Loose paving slabs


Question from Councillor Moulton to Councillor Rayment


Why are so many paving slabs loose and dangerous in London Road, Guildhall Square and Shirley Precinct?




1.  Loose paving

The HSP contract does not require paving repairs if loose / rocking.  It does, however, oblige intervention if causing a danger / hazard.


2.  Dangerous paving

To reduce Council revenue spend, the HSP contract does not require repairs unless causing a raised trip hazard greater than 20mm (as Category 2 criteria for all pedestrianised areas).  However, BBLP consider case-by-case – i.e. occasionally, loose slabs through exposed location, potential for imminent failing or the nature of the hazard presented, get repaired notwithstanding the trip height.


3.  Site specifics

All 3 sites are routinely walked monthly.  Between programmed visits, the HSP relies on reports from members of the public, etc.  All 3 sites will have repeat visits shortly:


3.1London Road

Certain areas have been subject to successfully defended claims.  These are subject to additional deterioration monitoring - i.e. to trigger refurbishment rather than reactive repairs.



West Marlands Rd / GHS boundaries have this year undergone significant paving replacement.  A revisit will ensure no residually defective areas remain.


3.3Shirley Precinct

Particular attention to possible damage from the weekly market operator is made.  If damage is directly attributable, then liability for repairs will be passed to the operator.



2.   Shirley Depot/Police Station


Question from Councillor Moulton to Councillor Letts


Will you agree to produce a Planning Development Brief for the Shirley Depot/Police station site, to set out acceptable criteria such as usage, access and building heights?  Will you ensure that residents are engaged in this process?




The Council has jointly marketed this site with Hampshire Police. The marketing has been robust and terms are now agreed and well advanced in legal hands. The contract is not conditional on planning.


If the purchaser comes forward with a planning application in the short term that will be the appropriate time for matters such as usage, access and building heights to be considered. If no proposal is forthcoming these matters are best considered as part of the local plan process.



3.  Fallen Trees on the Common


Councillor Claisse to Councillor Rayment


It is noticeable that when trees fall over in high winds on Southampton Common, unless they block paths, they are simply left to decay.  Do we not have a contractor to remove these?




The Council have had a working practice across the whole city for a number of years whereby they leave fallen trees if they are safe and not blocking footpaths or roads. Wherever possible cord wood and larger logs are left on site as “habitat” piles and only cleared where they may  ...  view the full minutes text for item 43