Issue - meetings

Council Strategy Performance - Quarter 4 2015/16

Meeting: 14/07/2016 - Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee (Item 10)

10 Council Strategy Performance - Quarter 4 2015/16 pdf icon PDF 120 KB

Report of the Leader of the Council detailing the Council's performance in Quarter 4 of the 2015-2016 Municipal Year.

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The Committee considered the report of the Leader of the Council detailing the Council’s performance in Quarter 4 of the 2015-2016 Municipal Year.



(i)  that Members of the Committee consider the set of draft indicator set and identify additional / alternative measures for the consideration of the Executive;

(ii)  that the Leader identify a suitable transport measure for inclusion within the new indicator set;

(iii)  that the People’s Panel be utilised to develop awareness of the reasons behind the reduction in satisfaction levels with the Council;

(iv)  that recognising the need to improve outcomes for young people in Southampton through preventative action, the Executive pinpoint and incorporate the key drivers within the indicator set that will identify if the required improvements are being made, and set appropriate targets which are stretching but achievable;

(v)  that the Leader considers engaging universities to undertake research into the effectiveness of interventions in addressing some of the wider underlying issues behind the Council’s performance in 2015/16;

(vi)  to improve resident satisfaction with the Council the Leader review approaches to communicating changes being implemented by the Council;

(vii)  that the Leader circulate to the OSMC the recycling ‘heatmap’ that had been commissioned when available; and

(viii)  That a briefing note on developments in Southampton regarding Social Impact Bonds be circulated to the Committee.