Issue - meetings

Appointment of Joint Committee

Meeting: 13/07/2016 - Employment and Appeals Panel (Item 3)

3 Establishment of Joint Employment Panel for the Appointment of a Joint Director of Public Health with Portsmouth City Council pdf icon PDF 94 KB

Report of the Service Director Legal and Governance seeking approval to formally engage with Portsmouth City Council with a view to securing a jointly appointed post to fulfil the statutory role Director of Public Health.

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The Panel considered the report of the Service Director Legal and Governance seeking approval to formally engage with Portsmouth City Council with a view to securing a jointly appointed post to fulfil the statutory role of Director of Public Health.



  i.  That the establishment of a joint Employment Panel with Portsmouth City Council be approved;

  ii.  That the terms of reference for the joint Employment Panel as set out in paragraph 9 of the report for incorporation into Part 3 of the Council’s Constitution be approved;

  iii.  That the membership of the Panel comprise of 2 members from each authority together with 2 co-opted non-voting members from Public Health England and the Faculty of Public Health;

  iv.  That the vision for a shared service be endorsed and a joint Director of Public Health be appointed; and

  v.  That authority be delegated to the Chief Executive following consultation with the Chief Executive of Portsmouth City Council to undertake such arrangements as considered appropriate to enable the appointment to be made.