Issue - meetings

RE attainment in schools

Meeting: 25/01/2016 - Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) (Item 36)

36 RE attainment in schools pdf icon PDF 41 KB

Verbal update from Alison Philpott regarding RE GCSE results for schools in the City, data document attached.



The SACRE received a verbal update from Alison Philpott regarding RE GCSE results for schools in the City to date.


It was noted that:

·  most categories had improved for the GCSE full course.

·  The offer for the full course at Key Stage 4 was outlined.

·  The GCSE RE syllabus was not yet available but expected in the next few weeks.


The SACRE discussed the data per the circulated document.


It was AGREED that further updates be provided when data was available.

Meeting: 23/11/2015 - Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) (Item 28)

RE attainment in schools

Verbal update from Alison Philpott regarding RE GCSE results for schools in the City.


Due to lack of information available an update regarding RE GCSE results for schools in the City was not available.


RESOLVED that this item be deferred to a future meeting.