Issue - meetings

Feedback from Monitoring Working Group

Meeting: 25/01/2016 - Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) (Item 34)

Feedback from Monitoring Working Group

Standing agenda item – verbal update on school visits undertaken to monitor practice regarding RE and collective worship.


Alison Philpott provided a verbal update on school visits undertaken by the sub-group to monitor practice regarding RE and collective worship in schools in the City.


A schedule of visits had been agreed but this would be further facilitated by increasing the membership for the sub-group.  Any interested members were invited to contact Alison direct.  ID cards had been arranged for the sub-group members to present when on a school visit.


It was reported that whilst academies had been contacted, none had responded.  However, as the visits increased it was hoped that their value / benefit to schools would be appreciated and take-up would increase.


It was reiterated that the feedback on visits to the SACRE would, in line with the Protocol previously agreed, be anonymous and the individual reports produced would remain confidential to the Monitoring Group members and the school involved.  A summary report of any monitoring visits would be submitted to the SACRE meeting.  Any non-compliance issues would be reported to the LA officer for action. Individual schools would not be named in the main SACRE meetings - building trust with Head teachers was essential - the purpose of the visits was to provide an overview of schools in the City, provide feedback to the Headteacher / Head of RE and to inform best practice advice - not to inspect individual schools.


Further updates would be provided at future meetings of the SACRE – at this point only one report had been finalised but by the next meeting it was expected that the results from around eight visits would be available.


Meeting: 23/11/2015 - Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) (Item 24)

Feedback from Monitoring Working Group

Standing agenda item – verbal update on school visits undertaken to monitor practice regarding RE and collective worship.


Alison Philpott provided a verbal update on school visits undertaken by the sub-group to monitor practice regarding RE and collective worship in schools in the City.


A schedule of visits had been agreed but this would be further facilitated by increasing the membership for the sub-group.  Anyone interested was invited to contact Alison direct.


ID cards had been arranged for the group to present when on a school visit – it was anticipated that two members of the group would join with Alison on each visit.


It was reported that whilst academies had been contacted none of them had responded – however as the visits increased it was hoped that they would become valued and thus take-up would increase.


Further updates would be provided at future meetings of the SACRE.