Issue - meetings

Draft Action Plan

Meeting: 25/01/2016 - Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) (Item 33)

33 Action Plan Workshop pdf icon PDF 57 KB

Main agenda item – active workshop session focussing on the SACRE’s Action Plan, attached.



The SACRE considered the draft Action Plan for the Southampton SACRE with a view to reviewing progress so far in the form of an active workshop session.


It was agreed that the sub-groups for the Film Project and the Roadshow form a joint workshop group for this meeting.


Following the workshop session the meeting reconvened for feedback from each group and to discuss the way forward.

The Advice Document working group had discussed the possibility of a launch event for the document.

The Monitoring Sub-Group had agreed a template for feedback to the main SACRE which would indicate the number of schools visited, when and identified areas for development, strengths and general views.  It was agreed the template be tested at the next meeting.


The Roadshow working group had developed ideas for the different levels:

·  A competitive debate for teams from senior schools, possibly using a film from the Film Project. This would require the development of briefing packs and key questions for each film.

·  For primary schools a Question Time type event was proposed with the key question of “Who of faith would you like to meet?”


The Roadshow working group invited the Film Project sub-group to meet with them on 11th March. 


The Film Project working group would be meeting shortly with Solent  University to pitch for a film aimed at primary schools based on theme of diversity / unity to be filmed in children’s homes, places of faith and school (without any school branding apparent) posing the question of “When did you stop playing together?”  The expected timescale was filming in mid-February, final editing mid-March with possible access via the web-site if possible; final version to be brought to the June SACRE meeting.


It was clarified that whilst the Roadshow was not dependent on the Film Project it would provide support and that together the two projects could be used to support the launch of the revised Agreed Syllabus.


With regard to the Web-page development – Alison Philpott reported that this would be clearer at the next meeting.  Members discussed various possibilities for the web site.


It was AGREED that Action Plan progress be reviewed again at the June 2016 meeting.


Meeting: 23/11/2015 - Standing Advisory Council for Religious Education (SACRE) (Item 21)

21 Action Plan pdf icon PDF 55 KB

To consider the draft Action Plan for Southampton SACRE as produced by the working group, and to allocate roles and responsibilities, attached.


The SACRE considered the draft Action Plan for the Southampton SACRE with a view to the allocation of further roles and responsibilities and reviewing progress so far.


The draft plan consisted of seven main action headings with a lead person for each.  Some of these lead roles had still to be allocated and were agreed at the meeting. The SACRE considered the actions in greater detail with an update on progress provided under each working sub-group heading where available – the draft Advice Document, Film Project etc.


With regard to the Film Project – it was reported that a meeting had taken place with the Head of Film Studies at Solent University who had offered to work on a series of short films, without funding if necessary, with the aim of these being ready for around summer next year with a launch alongside the Agreed Syllabus and the Roadshow previously discussed by the SACRE.  There was the potential for seven short (15-20 minute) films.  In order to facilitate the film production it would be necessary to work on the brief as soon as possible.  Following discussion, it was proposed that:

·  the films be pitched at the different school levels

·  each film be a standalone resource for the Roadshow / Collective Worship / RE lesson

·  the films support the Agreed Syllabus – particularly with regard to Respect of Difference and a message of hope for each religion which was suggested as a possible theme for one of the films

·  a working group led by Chris Davis work on the Roadshow and Film Project and that all SACRE members be invited to join the group via email – this would then include members unable to attend the main meeting who might be interested in contributing.


It was agreed that there be a preliminary brainstorming session / meeting of the Roadshow working group on 17th December at Highfield Junior School.


With regard to development of the SACRE web site – Alison would liaise with David Vane to progress with a view to it including the Agreed Syllabus and other resources and links.  At the meeting with Solent University it had been suggested that a U-Tube Channel might also be possible.


It was agreed that the Action Plan and working groups be given further consideration at the next meeting in January and that an email inviting wider participation from the SACRE be invited.


The main meeting was followed by a brief meeting of the Monitoring Working Group where further dates for school visits were agreed.