Issue - meetings

Transformation Update

Meeting: 09/07/2015 - Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee (Item 10)

10 Transformation Update pdf icon PDF 76 KB

Report of the Cabinet Member for Transformation providing an update on the progress made in relation to the Council’s transformation programme, attached.


The Committee considered the report of the Cabinet Member for Transformation providing an update on the progress made in relation to the Council’s transformation programme.


The Committee received a presentation on the transformation programme.


The Committee determined to move into private and confidential session in order to hear and consider contract information within the presentation.  In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, specifically the Access to Information Procedure Rules contained within the Constitution, the press and public be excluded from the meeting in respect of part of the transformation presentation.  This was based on category 3 (financial and business affairs) of paragraph 10.4 of the Council’s Access to Information Procedure Rules.  It was not in the public interest to disclose this because the information related to the commercial contract between a third party which was commercially sensitive.


RESOLVED that regular updates be provided to the Committee on the transformation programme.