Issue - meetings

Council Performance 2014/15

Meeting: 11/06/2015 - Overview and Scrutiny Management Committee (Item 3)

3 Council Performance in 2014/15 pdf icon PDF 105 KB

Report of the Leader of the Council outlining the performance of the Council against targets outlined in the Council strategy, attached.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the report of the Leader of the Council outlining the performance of the Council against targets detailed in the Council strategy.



(i)  that the Leader considers including in the suite of indicators performance measures to monitor the following areas:

·  Education - Success and progression of young people at 18;

·  Transport - modal shift;

·  Council staff morale;

(ii)  that the Committee be provided with an explanation clarifying how the target for decent homes was set;

(iii)  that a target be set for delayed days for transfers of care from hospital for 2015/16;

(iv)  that consideration be given regarding identifying suitable alternative indicators to those measured through the City survey for the periods when no survey was undertaken.