Decision details

Grants to voluntary organisations 2015 to 2019

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Resources and Leisure on recommendations for the process of allocating the grants to voluntary organisations budget to March 2019 (subject to annual Budget setting).


(i)  To agree another three year funding cycle using the outcomes based commissioning approach, from April 2016 to March 2019, with a budget of £1,543,980 per year, subject to budget setting each year.

(ii)  To formally give notice to existing three year outcomes-based commissioned grant recipients in April 2015 that their existing funding arrangement will end on 31 March 2016 and any future funding applications will be considered without reference to previous grant allocation.

(iii)  To agree that funding for domestic abuse and sexual violence services from the corporate grants budget between April 2016 and March 2019 will be allocated by the Council’s Integrated Commissioning Unit to commission services within the PIPPA (Prevention, Intervention, Public Protection and Alliance) service model from voluntary organisations.

(iv)  To end Southampton Nuffield Theatre Trust’s current three year funding arrangement one year early, on 31 March 2015, and enter into a new four year funding arrangement with the Nuffield from 01 April 2015 to 31 March 2019, covering both their current activities and the new Arts Complex activities.

(v)  To delegate authority to the Assistant Chief Executive following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Resources and Leisure to agree the outcomes grants between April 2016 and March 2019 will be awarded against and to do anything necessary to give effect to the recommendations contained in this report.

Reasons for the decision:

1.  The current three year funding cycle comes to an end in April 2016 and the Council has to give notice to make any changes in the allocation to existing grant recipients. Three year funding provides stability for local voluntary organisations and reduces costs for the Council, compared to an annual funding cycle.

2.  Jointly commissioning domestic abuse and sexual violence (DASV) services with the Integrated Commissioning Unit will ensure the strategic priorities of the city in relation to addressing the impact of DASV are addressed and delivered through integrated services that better supports victims.  It will also provide a single funding route making it easier for applicants and avoiding duplication in applications and funding.

3.  The Arts Complex is a significant step forwards in the City’s cultural aspirations and economic development.  A single seamless four year grant will provide essential stability during its start-up phase.

Alternative options considered:

1.  Returning to an annual funding cycle would be inefficient for the Council and create an uncertainty in the funding situation for many local voluntary organisations.

2.  Commissioning DASV services separately could lead to duplication of funding and services that do not necessarily meet the priorities agreed in the city and are out of step with the new integrated PIPPA services model.

3.  Continuing to grant fund the Nuffield’s existing services separately from the Arts Complex misses the opportunity for added value that an integrated service could provide.  It could also destabilise the operating company at a critical time for the Arts Complex’s development.

Other Relevant Matters Concerning the Decision:


Report author: Joanne Hughes

Publication date: 17/03/2015

Date of decision: 17/03/2015

Decided at meeting: 17/03/2015 - Cabinet

Effective from: 26/03/2015

Accompanying Documents: