Decision details

2012/13 Grants to Voluntary Organisations

Decision Maker: Officer Decision Making

Decision status: Deleted

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider a report of the Communities Team Manager, following consultation with the Director of Housing, on the process for awarding 2012/13 Grants to Voluntary Organisations. 


On 1st August 2011 Cabinet approved the Interim Director of Environment to carry out consultation on the following proposals:

·  suspending the current grant application process for awarding grants from the corporate grants budget for 2012/13,

·  renewing 2011/12 grants at current levels, excluding any paid notice, for a further year until 31st March 2013 subject to satisfactory monitoring,

·  reviewing and potentially bringing forward the timing of the grant application process in future years.

Cabinet also delegated authority to the Interim Director of Environment following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing to determine whether or not to proceed with the above proposals and, within approved budgets, to take any other decisions necessary or expedient to determine the award of all grants for the 2012/13 financial year.

Once the consultation closes on 6th October 2011 and responses are collated a report will be published seeking a decision on how to proceed.


To approve the proposal to

·  suspend the current grant application process for awarding grants from the corporate grants budget for 2012/13; and

·  renew 2011/12 grants at current levels, excluding any paid notice, for a further year until 31st March 2013 subject to satisfactory monitoring.

Reasons for the decision:

To determine the process for awarding grants to voluntary organisations in 2012/13.

Alternative options considered:

  1. The option of not consulting was rejected as the proposal constitutes a significant change to an established procedure and therefore requires consultation with stakeholders.
  2. The option of continuing the current open, competitive grant application process for awarding grants in 2012/13 was considered and rejected as it perpetuates the current annual short term decision making when the council needs to be making long term strategic decisions about its grant making process

Publication date: 27/10/2011

Date of decision: 27/10/2011

Decided at meeting: 27/10/2011 - Officer Decision Making

Effective from: 04/11/2011

Accompanying Documents: