Decision details

Approval Of The River Itchen, Weston Shore, Netley And Hamble Coastal Defence Strategy

Decision Maker: Officer Decision Making

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider a report of the Sustainability Policy Manager seeking approval for the adoption of the River Itchen, Weston Shore, Netley and Hamble Coastal Defence Strategy (CDS) to provide a strategic level basis for decision making and action related to the management of the coastline over the next 100 years.  The Strategy outlines sustainable policies for the management of the shoreline and feasible implementation options over 3 time periods: present day (0-20 years); medium-term (20-50 years); and long-term (50-100 years). The Strategy sets out sustainable coastal defence measures that are compatible with natural processes, environmentally acceptable, economically and technically viable while compatible with preferred management strategies in neighbouring areas and with the higher level North Solent Shoreline Management Plan (SMP) covering the study area.  The adoption of the River Itchen, Weston Shore, Netley and Hamble Strategy will endorse the recommendations for management of coastal flood and erosion risk enabling the implementation of the policies outlined in the CDS and North Solent SMP.


(i)  To adopt the River Itchen, Weston Shore, Netley and Hamble Coastal Defence Strategy; and

(ii)  To endorse the action plan that will need to be taken forward over the duration of the plan period.

Reasons for the decision:

  1. To enable sustainable and strategic management of the coastline over the next 100 years through a hierarchical approach where the SMP forms the top tier policy, directly supported by the CDS;
  2. Endorsement of the action plan will provide a mechanism for management through a series of monitoring and communication activities; and
  3. Adoption of the CDS by contributing local authorities will facilitate future applications for national funding towards management of coastal flood and erosion risks. 


Alternative options considered:

The alternative would be to not adopt the River Itchen, Weston Shore, Netley & Hamble Coastal Defence Strategy. This option was rejected on the basis that it would not encourage management of the frontage and prevent gaining Environment Agency sign off, thus hindering Southampton City Council in future bidding for national funding to manage coastal flood and erosion risks.

Other Relevant Matters Concerning the Decision:


Report author: Bernadine Maguire

Publication date: 17/02/2011

Date of decision: 17/02/2011

Decided at meeting: 17/02/2011 - Officer Decision Making

Effective from: 01/03/2011

Accompanying Documents: