Decision details

Delivery of Affordable Housing on Council Land through the Council Framework

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Housing and the Green Environment seeking approval for the first tranche of sites to be transferred using the Councils’ Affordable Housing Framework.


(i)  To approve the list of sites included in Appendix 1 as the first tranche for transfer to Affordable Housing Providers (AHPs) through the city council framework.

(ii)  To delegate any further decisions relating to the terms for transfer or implementation of the recommendations of this report to the Executive Director of Place following consultation with:

-  Cabinet Member for Housing and Green Environment

-  Executive Director for Corporate Services

-  Executive Director for Wellbeing and Housing

-  Director Human Resources and Governance

including the tenure mix for each site and any specific housing requirements.


(iii)  To delegate approval to the Executive Director of Place following consultation with the:

-  Cabinet Member for Housing and Green Environment

-  Executive Director for Corporate Services

-  Executive Director for Wellbeing and Housing

-  Director of Human Resources and Governance

to identify and include further plots for tender through the city council framework subject to achieving best value for the sites and only for those sites where the valuation of the site is within officer delegated powers.

Reasons for the decision:

1  The proposed framework will increase the number of Affordable homes within Southampton providing the opportunity for social rent, affordable rent and shared ownership. This will enable the council to negotiate nomination rights for residents on the housing register and will provide an opportunity also for those who wish to take a step on the housing ladder and own a share of their own home.

2  All the sites included in the first tranche are either vacant sites, have empty buildings or an existing approved decommissioning plan in place. 

3  The recommendations relating to the sites and their intended use have been developed in consultation with officers across the council with an interest in housing needs, including general needs social housing, supported housing (learning disabled, mental health, physical disabled), housing with care (extra care), homelessness and children’s services. The proposals are also based on the needs identified through the housing register.

Alternative options considered:

1.  Option 1 – Not identify any sites for transfer for Affordable housing. This is not recommended given that the framework will be established in the new year, and this will provide an opportunity to transfer sites for the provision of Affordable housing.  This approach will enable the council to take proactive action using its own land to address the significant need for Affordable housing in the city.

2.  Option 2 – Identify a long list of sites regardless of their readiness to transfer for Affordable housing. This is not recommended as the process of decommissioning can be lengthy.  The list in Appendix 1 includes only those properties which are available to transfer in the short term as they are either already vacant or in the process of/or have approval for being decommissioned. It is proposed that sites that still need approval for decommissioning are included in a later phase of transfer.

3.  Option 3. To only sell the Housing Revenue Account land for affordable housing and to sell the General Fund land at the highest market rate. This may result in the provision of no affordable housing on the General Fund sites given that it may not be financially viable to provide affordable housing and to pay the full market rate for the land. This would result in an estimated 60 fewer affordable homes as part of the first tranche of sites.

4.   Option 4. To seek approval to transfer sites (in Appendix 1) that are either vacant or are in the process of or already have approval for decommissioning for Affordable housing. This is the recommended option.

5.  Some of the sites could have an alternative use recommendation - the rational is explained in the appendix for each plot.

Report author: David O'Neill

Publication date: 20/12/2022

Date of decision: 20/12/2022

Decided at meeting: 20/12/2022 - Cabinet

Effective from: 31/12/2022

Accompanying Documents: