Issue - meetings

Waste Disposal Contract 2030+

Meeting: 16/04/2024 - Cabinet (Item 57)

57 Waste Disposal Contract 2030+ pdf icon PDF 311 KB

To consider the report of the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport seeking approval for the proposed programme of work required to complete an options appraisal to determine the optimal approach for delivering our statutory duties for waste disposal beyond the expiry of the current shared arrangements with Hampshire County Council and Portsmouth City Council post December 2030.

Additional documents:


DECISION MADE: (CAB 23/24 45012)


On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport, Cabinet agreed the following:


(i)  To approve the proposed programme and governance arrangements to jointly undertake the initial project appraisal to inform and direct the arrangements for managing waste disposal beyond expiry of the current contract after December 2030.

(ii)  To delegate authority to the Director - Environment, through their role on the Strategic Tripartite Board, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport within the approvals set out below to progress the options appraisal work set out in the Appendix 1.

(iii)  To approve and commit to supporting the resource requirements to deliver the programme set out in the Appendix 1.

(iv)  To approve in principle the proposed programme budget set out in the Appendix 1.

(v)  To approve the procurement of external expertise and resources to provide the necessary technical input to the options appraisal.

(vi)  To delegate authority to Director - Environment to approve any minor amendments that may be required to the Tripartite Agreement to support the programme set out in the Appendix 1.