Councillor Katherine Barbour

Profile image for Councillor Katherine Barbour

Party: Green Party

Ward: Portswood

Other councillors representing this Ward:

Surgery details

Cllr Barbour holds a surgery on 4th Saturday of each month from 2.00-3.00pm at St Denys Church Centre, Dundee Road, SO17 2ND

Contact information

Correspondence address: 
Member Services
Room 210 First Floor East
Civic Centre
SO14 7LY

Bus. phone:  02380 832430


Download Councillor Katherine Barbour contact details as VCard

Committee appointments

Term of Office

  • 04/05/2023 - 06/05/2027

Additional Information

Katherine Barbour has lived in Portswood since 2010 and worked in the city from 1991 to 2004 as a social worker for adults with learning disabilities, and then as a Team Manager at University Hospital Southampton managing the discharge team.  Katherine worked at Southampton University delivering projects to encourage the use of Telecare and Telehealth across Wessex.  She now works as a yoga teacher.


She is committed to preserving and growing green spaces in the city and is active in local organisations which focus on the river and green spaces.  She is a member of the Friends of Portswood Rec.


She is a governor at University Hospital Southampton and took on this role to address the care of those living with dementia while in acute care.  She is a trustee of Caraway Charity, a Southampton based Christian charity which addresses loneliness in old age, with the spiritual needs of older people and has set up memory cafes across the city to support people living with dementia and their carers.  Katherine leads the Bitterne Park café.  Katherine is chair of Southampton Dementia Festival Group.