Forward plan

June 2010 to September 2010  (01/06/2010 to 30/09/2010, Cabinet)

Plan items
No. Item

Adult Social Care and Health

There are no items for consideration in this period

Children's Services and Learning Portfolio


Schools' Deficit Budgets 2010/11 New!

Decision maker:  Cabinet, Cabinet Member for Children's Services and Learning

Decision:   5 Jul 2010

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Approval of First Year Review of the Children and Young People's Plan 2009-2012

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   7 Jun 2010

Lead officer:  Sam Ray

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Primary Review Phase 2: Pre-Statutory Consultation

Decision maker:  Cabinet Member for Children's Services and Learning

Decision due:   7 Jun 2010

Lead officer:  Kevin Verdon

Decision status:  Withdrawn

Economic Development Portfolio


Response to the Scrutiny Inquiry into District Centres

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   5 Jul 2010

Originally due:   7 Jun 2010

Lead officer:  Suki Sitaram

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Response to the Scrutiny Inquiry into Domestic Violence New!

Decision maker:  Cabinet, Cabinet Member for Economic Development

Decision:   5 Jul 2010

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

Environment and Transport Portfolio


To Approve The Introduction Of New Governance Arrangements For The Council's Registration Services

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   7 Jun 2010

Lead officer:  Francine Lawrence

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Approval of the Food and Health and Safety Service Plan 2010/12


Proposed Reversal Of One-Way System, Lyon Street (TRO) New!

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision due:   5 Jul 2010

Lead officer:  Barbara Thomas


Proposals to extend the Coxford Area Residents' Parking Scheme in Warren Crescent, Warren Avenue, Chestnut Road, Sycamore Road, Holland Place, Stokes Road and Bracken Lane. (TRO) New!

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   5 Jul 2010

Lead officer:  Graham Muir

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Woolston and St Anne's Conservation Areas Appraisal New!

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   5 Jul 2010

Lead officer:  Kevin White

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

Housing and Local Services Portfolio


Housing Revenue Account (HRA) Capital Programme Project Approval - Phase II - 2010/11

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   7 Jun 2010

Lead officer:  Aidan Cooper

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Digital TV Service Charge New!

Decision maker:  Officer Decision Making

Decision:   22 Jul 2010

Originally due:   15 Jul 2010

Lead officer:  Keith Meredith

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Grants to Voluntary Organisations 2010/11

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   21 Jun 2010

Lead officer:  Roma Andrews

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

Leader's Portfolio

There are no items for consideration in this period

Leisure, Culture and Heritage Portfolio


Service Concession to manage and operate St Mary's Leisure Centre

Decision maker:  Officer Decision Making

Decision due:   30 Jun 2010

Lead officer:  Jayne Ludden

Resources and Workforce Planning


Changes to existing Revenue and Capital Budgets

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   5 Jul 2010

Originally due:   18 Jan 2010

Lead officer:  Rob Carr

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved


Response to the "Buy Out" Offer for Reform of Council Housing Finance

Decision maker:  Officer Decision Making

Decision due:   20 Dec 2010

Originally due:   15 Apr 2010

Lead officer:  David Singleton

Decision status:  Withdrawn


Sustainable Procurement Policy New!

Decision maker:  Cabinet

Decision:   5 Jul 2010

Lead officer:  John Spiers

Decision status:  Recommendations Approved

Safeguarding Children and Youth Services Portfolio

There are no items for consideration in this period