Issue details

Housing Strategy - Housing for People with Learning Disabilities (2010-2015)

Report of the Cabinet Member for Housing and Local Services, in association with the Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health, seeking approval to adopt the revised Housing Strategy – Housing for People with Learning Disabilities.


The strategy will replace the previous “Housing and Support Options: A Housing Strategy for Learning Disability” which was written in 2002.  The revised strategy requires updating to reflect current and predicted future issues and will provide a local framework for the future provision of housing choices and the direction of housing solutions for people with learning difficulties.  An Action Plan will be included to ensure that objectives are carried out, whilst taking funding sources and options into account.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Affects more than 1 ward or a significant community;

Decision status: Deleted

Wards affected: (All Wards);

Decision due: 5 Jul 2010 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Housing and Local Services

Lead director: Executive Director of Neighbourhoods

Department: Housing and Local Services Portfolio

Contact: Barbara Compton, Head of Development, Economy and Housing Renewal 023 8083 2155 Email: Email: Tel: 023 8083 2155.

Consultation process

1  Housing Consultation event with people with learning disabilities

2  Meetings of the Learning Disabilities Partnership Board

3  Members of the Strategy Working Group consulting with the organizations they represent and representing them at meetings on the Strategy.

4  E-mails


1  Legal, Finance, Property and Human Resources Officers

2  Strategy Working Group, which includes representatives from Mencap, Choices Advocacy, Valuing People, Adult Social Care Learning Disabilities Team, NHS Southampton City, Supporting People

3  Learning Disabilities Partnership Board,  which is chaired by Councillor Ivan White and co-chaired by a person with learning disabilities.  Other people with learning disabilities and family carers also sit on the Board.  A full list of members is available on the “Southampton Learning Disability Partnership Board” website.

Public Comments may be sent to: Sue Perry Policy Officer 023 8083 2083

Slippage/Variations/Reason for Withdrawal: Decision amended from 19th April to 5th July. Due to a change in circumstances and need for additional consultation a decision is now not needed at this time. Decision withdrawn from the Forward Plan due to ongoing consultation that makes it difficult to determine a date for decision.