Issue details

St James' Park Improvements - Parks for People

To consider, subject to confirmation of grant funding from the Parks for People Lottery Fund, the report of the Cabinet Member for Housing and Local Services seeking approval to accept the grant award and to approve expenditure on this capital scheme in accordance with the Council's Financial Procedure Rules.

Following the Cabinet decision in March 2008 the Council, in consultation with the local community, submitted a bid to the Parks for People Lottery Fund for a £1.5million improvement scheme for St James Park in Shirley. Initial phases of the application process have been successful, leading to a final decision on grant funding being due before the end of September.

This Cabinet decision is needed to enable the scheme to progress quickly after the funding announcement. However, if the bid is wholly unsuccessful then this decision requirement will be withdrawn.

Decision type: Key

Reason Key: Expenditure > £500,000;

Decision status: Awaiting Implementation

Wards affected: Shirley;

Decision due: 26 Oct 2009 by Cabinet

Lead member: Cabinet Member for Housing and Local Services

Lead director: Executive Director of Neighbourhoods

Department: Housing and Local Services Portfolio

Contact: Jon Dyer-Slade, Head of City Services 023 8083 2873 Email: Tel: 023 8083 2873.

Consultation process

By email.  Several events and consultation sessions have already been held. Plans have been displayed in the park for several months during the lottery application process.


Democratic Services, Human Resources, Legal, Finance and Property Services, Leisure Services, Play Services, Children's Services, Friends of St James' Park, park users, local community, local businesses, schools, Ward Councillors, police, Police Community Support Officers, Primary Care Trust, SureStart and youth workers have all been involved in developing the plans. Heritage Lottery Fund/Big Lottery Parks for People programme.

Public Comments may be sent to: Helen Mills/Major Projects and Business Support Manager Neighbourhoods, Town Depot, Albert Road, Southampton SO14 5AT Phone: 023 8083 2884 Email to


  • St James' Park Stage 2 Parks for People lottery application documents.