Issue details

Review of Amendments and Approval of Revised SotonSafe Plan Version 5

To consider the report of the Emergency Planning Manager seeking approval to review amenments to the Plan and approve version 5 of the Plan for publication.

In order to comply with the Radiation Emergency Preparedness and Public Information Regulations 2001, (REPPIR) the City Council as the 'offsite' statutory agency, is required to approve an offiste emergency plan to deal with any nuclear accident that may reasonably occur when a nuclear powered submarine is berthed in the Port of Southampton. There is a duty to review, amend and where necessary reissue the plan within a three year cycle.

Decision type: Key

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Wards affected: Bargate; Woolston;

Decision due: 17 Dec 2009 by Officer Decision Making

Decision due: 17 Dec 2009 by Safer Communities Manager

Officer Decision

Lead director: Assistant Chief Executive (Economic Development)

Department: Economic Development Portfolio

Contact: 023 8083 2089 Email: Tel: 023 8083 2089.

Consultation process

SotonSafe Emergency Planning Group meetings, joint exercise outcomes associated correspondence and e-mails. Lead Officer decision report


The City Council's Legal, Finance and Democratic Departments.
SotonSafe Interagency Emergency Planning Group

Public Comments may be sent to: Graham Wyeth, Emergency Planning Manager Emergency Planning Office, 3rd Floor, Southbrook Rise, Millbrook Road East, Southampton. Phone: 023 8083 2089 Email to


Agenda items


  • Draft SotonSafe (Z Berth) Offsite Reactor  
  • Emergency Plan Version 5  
  • Schedule of amendments  
  • Lead Officer Decision Report