Issue - decisions

*Proposed Disposal of Marland House

29/01/2013 - *Proposed Disposal of Marland House

(i)  to approve the disposal of the Council’s freehold at Marland House subject to a leaseback to the Council of the offices at a peppercorn rent until September 2014, and to include the simultaneous disposal of the Council’s freeholds at 5 to 13 Civic Centre Road and 36 Windsor Terrace, all to the recommended bidder on the basis set out in Bid C in Confidential Appendix 1 and to subsequently negotiate and carry out all ancillary matters to enable disposal of the site.

(ii)  that the Senior Manager for City Development, in consultation with the Head of Legal, HR and Democratic Services be authorised to enter into any legal documentation necessary in respect of the sales.

(iii)  to note that the estimated value of the capital receipt from the disposal has already been built into the funding of the capital programme.  Any receipt that differs from the estimate will need to be considered corporately as part of any future prioritisation of resources.