Issue - decisions

Local Sustainable Transport Programme grant approval

19/12/2011 - Local Sustainable Transport Programme grant approval

(i)  To accept the £3.96m funding package from the Department for Transport (DfT) and to approve the total match funding commitment of £1.7M over the 4 year funding period, principally from SCC Local Transport Plan grant and strategic ‘Section 106’ developer contributions.

(ii)  To add £230,000 to the 2011/12 revenue estimates and £1,080,000 to the 2012/13 revenue estimates of the Environment and Transport Portfolio funded by the DfT grant (subject to approval of the budget strategy at full Council in February 2012) and to note that further additions of £1,170,000 to the 2013/14 revenue estimates and £1,030,000 to the 2014/15 revenue estimates will be formally made as part of the preparation of those financial years’ budgets.

(iii)  To increase by £450,000 the Smarter Travel Choices Capital Scheme within the Environment and Transport Portfolio capital programme, and approve capital expenditure of £450,000, phased £170,000 in 2012/13, £170,000 in 2013/14 and £110,000 in 2014/15.

(iv)  To instruct officers to bring a further report to cabinet in March 2012 detailing the options for governance arrangements and mechanisms for delivery of the programme.