Issue - decisions

Proposed Clean Air Zone for Southampton

22/01/2019 - Proposed Clean Air Zone for Southampton

(i)  To approve the Plan attached as appendices for submission to the Secretary of State by the 31st January 2019 which proposes a package of non-charging measures that will mitigate risk of exceedance, increase the likelihood that compliance is achieved before 2020 and to promote ongoing improvements in air quality.


(ii)  To delegate authority to the Service Director for Transactions & Universal Services to include port based measures, namely shore side power and the port HGV booking scheme, to the Plan subject to securing implementation and funding agreement with stakeholders.


(iii)  To delegate authority to the Service Director for Transactions & Universal Services to take any action necessary to finalise the Plan, including making minor or consequential amendments following consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Green City, so that all implementation, delivery and management requirements are sufficient enough to satisfy the requirements of HM Treasury Green Book methodology.


(iv)  To delegate authority to the Service Director for Transactions & Universal Services to submit a revised Plan to the Secretary of State, following consultation with the Leader and Cabinet Member for Green City, in the event that the original Plan submitted on the 31st January 2019 is rejected. 


(v)  To approve the revision of the Clean Air Strategy for Southampton 2016-2025 to reflect the outcome of this Cabinet decision, the Plan and any other relevant progress made since the publication of the original strategy in 2016 and to delegate authority to the Service Director for Transactions & Universal Services to make any amendments to the Strategy necessary to give effect to this recommendation.