Issue - decisions

Future of the Kentish Road respite service

14/11/2017 - Future of the Kentish Road respite service

(i)  To note that social care assessments of the respite needs of individuals currently using Kentish Road have been completed and have been sent to individuals and carers, along with draft care and support plans and information about the alternative respite arrangements available.

(ii)  To note the work that has been completed since September 2015 to review the provision of respite care and to develop a range of suitable alternatives to Kentish Road.

(iii)  To note that suitable alternative arrangements have been identified to meet the respite needs of individuals currently using Kentish Road.

(iv)  To approve the closure of the current respite service provided by the council at Kentish Road on 30 November 2017.

(v)  To note the proposed use of the annexe at Kentish Road (32B Kentish Road) to provide a smaller, reconfigured respite service with an independence focus, and increasing choice by replicating the service model at the Weston Court scheme on the Kentish Road site.

(vi)  To delegate authority to the Director of Quality and Integration to initiate a procurement exercise to appoint a care provider to deliver a reconfigured respite service at 32B Kentish Road, following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Housing and Adult Care and the Service Director, Adults, Housing and Communities.