Issue - decisions

Implementing Proposals to Spend Department of Health 'Common Assessment Framework' Grant Funding

18/01/2010 - Implementing Proposals to Spend Department of Health 'Common Assessment Framework' Grant Funding

(i)  To accept, in accordance with Financial Procedure Rules, the capital grant of £3.062m awarded by the Department of Health (DoH) for development of a joint health and social care assessment system.

(ii)  To add, in accordance with financial procedure rules, £3.062 to the Adult Social Care and Health Capital Programme to fund a new scheme, Common Assessment Framework to be entirely funded from the DoH grant award.

(iii)  To approve, in accordance with financial procedure rules and subject to recommendation (iv) of this report, capital expenditure of £3.062 for the completion of a Common Assessment Framework to be funded entirely from the DoH grant award.

(iv)  To delegate to the Executive Director of Health and Adult Social Care, after consultation with Cabinet Member for Adult Social Care and Health and the Head of Financial Services and IT, any consequent decision regarding the development and implementation of a specific spending plan for this project.