Issue - decisions

*Highways Contract

18/07/2017 - Highways Contract

(i)  To delegate authority to the Service Director, Business Operations and Digital, following consultation with the Service Director, Legal and Governance and the Service Director, Finance and Commercialisation, to amend the HSP Contract by extending its term until 23:59 hours on 30 September 2025 and make associated amendments to reduce the Council’s General Fund costs associated with this contract in each of the remaining years of the contract from 2017-18 onwards.

(ii)  To delegate authority to the Service Director, Business Operations and Digital, following consultation with the Service Director, Legal and Governance and the Service Director, Finance and Commercialisation, to extend the term of the Citywatch (also known as ‘ROMTV’) contract until 23:59 hours on 30 September 2025 and make associated amendments to reduce the Council’s General Fund costs associated with this contract in 2017-18.

(iii)  To note the increase in financial commitment to the Authority covering the period 2020/21 to October 2025 to meet the additional contract costs over the extended years of the HSP and Citywatch contracts which total an estimated £13.3M (uplifted by indexation).

(iv)   To note that the renegotiated terms for the HSP and ROMTV contracts will achieve estimated General Fund savings - compared to current spending and costs. These are detailed in confidential Appendix 1.