Issue - decisions

DfT Access Fund

20/06/2017 - DfT Access Fund

(i)  To recommend that Council approve the receipt of Access Funds, totalling £2,294,000, awarded by the Department for Transport for 2017/18 through to 2019/20.

(ii)  To recommend that Council approve the addition of £816,000 to the Environment & Transport Portfolio’s revenue budget for 2017/18 and to note that the remaining £1,478,000 of the Access Fund award will need to be added to the revenue budgets for 2018/19 and 2019/20.

(iii)  To recommend that Council approve the allocation of Local Transport Plan funds, totalling £300,000, from the Sustainable Travel and Integrated Transport budgets, within the approved Environment & Transport Portfolio Capital Programme, in order to match fund the grant at approximately 12.5% of the total.