Issue - decisions

Selection of Partners for Sport and Recreation Partnership

16/02/2010 - Selection of Partners for Sport and Recreation Partnership

(i)  To consider the objections received and to authorise the disposal to the preferred bidder by way of a 15 year lease for Package 2 and an agreed lease for Package 1, the list of properties set out in appendix 1, in order to facilitate the contract awards.

(ii)  To delegate authority to the Executive  Director of Neighbourhoods, in consultation with the Executive  Director of Resources and the  Solicitor to Council following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Leisure,, to appoint a preferred partner for the management and operation of Package 1 (Southampton Municipal Golf Course) in accordance with the framework as set out in confidential appendix2.

(iii)  To appoint the preferred partner (identified at confidential appendix 3) to manage and operate the leisure facilities identified in package 2 (excluding the grounds maintenance for outlying sports pitches), for a contractual period of 15 years, at or below the level of annual management fee set out in section 9 of confidential appendix 3, and delivering an average net annual saving equal to or greater than the savings figure set out in section 10 of confidential appendix 4.

(iv)  To delegate authority to the Solicitor to the Council, following consultation with the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and Executive Director of Resources to finalise and enter into contractual arrangements with preferred partners for both package 1 and 2 with contracts commencing on 1st September 2010, subject to the preferred partner for Package 1 fully meeting the criteria set out in confidential appendix 2.

(v)  To approve, in accordance with finance procedure rules, capital expenditure of £198,000 on Improvements to the Athletics Track at the sports centre and £48,000 on Improvements to synthetic turf pitches at the sports centre, provision for which exists in the Leisure, Culture and Heritage capital programme for 2010/11.

(vi)  To approve the preferred way forward for the development of PE and Sport facilities at Chamberlayne Park College and the ongoing relationship with Chamberlayne Leisure Centre.

(vii)  To authorise the Solicitor to the Council following consultation with the Executive Director of Neighbourhoods and the Executive Director of Resources to do anything necessary to give effect to the proposals contained within this report including, but not limited to, the entering into of agreements, bonds, leases, further advertisement of any property matters and such other matters as are ancillary to or expedient for the completion of the project.