Issue - decisions

General Fund Capital Programme - 2009/10 to 2012/13

02/02/2010 - General Fund Capital Programme - 2010/11 to 2012/13

Recommends that Full Council


(i)  Approve the revised General Fund Capital Programme and use of resources;

(ii)  Add an additional £2.0M to the Resources and Workforce Planning programme for Repairs and Maintenance backlog to be funded by unsupported borrowing;

(iii)  Add an additional £270,000 to the Adult Social Care and Health programme for essential Health and Safety works and equipment replacement at Care Homes to be funded by unsupported borrowing;

(iv)  Add an additional £2.660M to the Environment and Transport programme for the replacement of the cremators to be funded by £1.742M of unsupported borrowing and £918,000 of direct revenue financing both of which are funded from increased cremation charges;

(v)  Add an additional £312,000 to the Economic Development programme for feasibility studies and programme management to be funded by unsupported borrowing;

(vi)  Adds £13.585M to the Leisure Culture and Heritage Capital Programme for the balance of funding for the Heritage Centre Scheme the funding for which is explained in this report;

(vii)  Notes the transfer of £1.7M from the programmed maintenance budget to the ASAP Accommodation project in order to better co-ordinate works throughout the Civic Centre; and

(viii)  Approves the over programming of £7.1M as detailed in paragraph 11.