Issue - decisions

Highways Service Partnership - Approval to Call for Final Tender

16/02/2010 - Highways Service Partnership - Approval to Call for Final Tender

(i)  To delegate authority to the Executive Director for Environment in consultation with the Solicitor to the Council and Executive Director for Resources and following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Environment and Transport to take all necessary steps to close dialogue, issue Call for Final Tenders and appoint a preferred bidder within the parameters set out at Appendix 2, Annex 3.

(ii)  To approve the lease of office and depot space at Castle Way, Town Depot and future Dock Gate 20 City Depot to the successful Provider for a period commensurate with the term of the contract (or such lesser period as may be required) and to delegate authority to determine the final terms and conditions of any such leases to the Head of Property and Procurement.