Issue - decisions

Eastpoint Redevelopment

22/12/2009 - Eastpoint Redevelopment

(i)  Continue to support the principle of the redevelopment of the Eastpoint site by Eastpoint Centre Ltd; with Eastpoint Centre Ltd building the new Eastpoint on 1.5 acres as identified in Appendix 1 and, through a revised Tripartite Legal Agreement, Itchen College retain an option to develop on the site at a future date;

(ii)  Request Council (subject to the conditions listed below) to approve a sum of up to £3,000,000 to be added to the Economic Development Portfolio Capital Programme as a payment to Eastpoint Centre Ltd as compensation for the surrender of their current unexpired lease, to enable them to fund the building and servicing of their new Community, Training and Conference Centre.  The Council will gain 5.19 acres with Itchen retaining an option to locate to the site until March 2011 or such other later date as may be agreed by the Chief Executive;

Recommendation (ii) is subject to the following:

(a)  Government Office for the South East (GOSE) and Department of Communities and Local Government (DCLG) approving funding allocation and release of the £2.5 Million in the Thornhill Plus You Delivery Plan for 2010-11, in time to allow Eastpoint to let its contract for the construction of the new Eastpoint and complete the spend of the TPY grant to Eastpoint before the end of the NDC programme in March 2011.

(b)  A Revised Eastpoint Business Plan being approved by both the Head of Finance and IT and GOSE, in addition to any final approvals required from GOSE and DCLG; 

(c)  Eastpoint concluding any s106 agreement in order to achieve planning consent and issue of the decision notice and confirmation that there are no planning issues outstanding from the links with the Itchen College outline planning consent;

(d)  the successful completion of the revised Tripartite Legal Agreement, which sets out the land deal for the Eastpoint site, the option for Itchen College to still locate to the site and the Council’s position

(iii)  Grant to Itchen College an option to locate to the site until March 2011, or such other later date as the Chief Executive may decide, upon such terms as the Solicitor to the Council considers reasonable;

(iv)  Approve subject to Council recommendation (i) below, expenditure of up to £3,000,000 for the surrender of the Eastpoint Lease;

(v)  Request Council to add £130,000 to the Capital Programme for the demolition of the old Eastpoint centre following the construction of the new Eastpoint building and services, and the vacation of the old Eastpoint Centre.

(vi)  Require Eastpoint Centre Ltd (and Itchen College should it in future go ahead on the Eastpoint site) to submit to the Council a Community Plan setting out how the facilities developed on the site will be available for the use of the wider community. This plan will cover the ten year period commencing when the facilities are open for use and will include both recreational and educational activities.  The outline of this plan, covering the key principles, will be in place before the land transactions are completed respectively for each development;

(vii)  delegate authority to the Assistant Chief Executive (Economic Development and Regeneration), following consultation with the Cabinet Member for Economic Development and Regeneration, Executive Director of Resources, the Solicitor to the Council and Head of Property Services and Procurement to negotiate, and agree conditions of the redevelopment in the general terms outlined in the report, to resolve and implement anything necessary to effect the proposals contained in this report, including agreeing amendments to the Tripartite Legal Agreement underpinning the land deal for the site;

(viii)  To note that this Cabinet decision supersedes all previous Cabinet decisions regarding Eastpoint redevelopment.