Agenda item

Transfer of Medicine for Older People Ward from Southampton General Hospital to Royal South Hants


Report of the Senior Manager (Customer and Business Improvement) providing details of the proposed temporary transfer of elderly care beds from Southampton General Hospital to Royal South Hants, attached.



The Panel considered the report of the Senior Manager (Customer and Business Improvement) providing details of the proposed temporary transfer of elderly care beds from Southampton General Hospital to Royal South Hants.  (Copy of the report circulated with the agenda and appended to the signed minutes).


Dr Sandeman, Southampton General Hospital and Mr Richards, Southampton City Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) were present and briefed the Panel on the present situation.


The Panel noted the following:-


  • that the rationale for the move was the increased demand for urgent care leading to a knock on effect on waiting times for elective surgery. Southampton General Hospital was under pressure with bed capacity running at 103% occupancy compared with national guidelines of 85% and they were having to cope by cancelling surgical procedures;
  • that the environment at Southampton General Hospital, whilst meeting the required standards, was not ideal for elderly care as all the space was utilised as bed space.  Royal South Hants Hospital was a much better environment for elderly patients;
  • that CCG’s concerns relating to the transfer of patients, their safety and quality of care, adequate staffing and correct environment had been mitigated and in August they had subsequently agreed that they would be willing to support the move as a short term expedient measure, subject to certain provisos.  It was recognised that the move was not a  long term solution to the problem and there was a wider strategic aim to tackle the issue of unscheduled/urgent care demand  in the Southampton area and implement whole system changes to deal with the capacity issues in accordance with the Emergency Care Intensive Support Team’s recommendations;
  • that it was important that the transfer of patients to the temporary ward was undertaken as soon as possible to ensure winter pressures could be address.   A review of the success of the initiative so far should take place in January 2013;
  • that the creation of an additional ward was not the right model of care, but a temporary measure implemented to assist with the current  crisis.  It was important that a long-term strategic plan be put in place to change adult care pathways in order that the right level of care was received at the right place and that Southampton General Hospital was developed not only as a specialised centre but as a good hospital for the City;
  • that HOSP members were invited to visit the ward at Royal South Hants on 10th October.


RESOLVED that after consideration of the issues:-


(i)  the Panel were satisfied that the transfer of elderly care beds from Southampton General Hospital to Royal South should go ahead for a temporary period of 6 months;


(ii)  that a copy of the report of the Emergency Care Intensive Support Team current review into the health system in Southampton would be forwarded to panel members as soon as it was received;  and


(iii)  that a follow up review report on the situation would be tabled at the HOSP meeting on 31 January 2013.  The January meeting would also consider the wider issue of capacity within the health system.

Supporting documents: