Agenda item

Announcements from the Lord Mayor and Leader

Matters especially brought forward by the Lord Mayor and the Leader.


Announcements from the Lord Mayor


(i)  New Microphone System


Members, you will see that there is a new digital microphone system in operation which is operated in the same way as the previous system by pressing the button on the right to speak which will show a red light and then by turning it off when you have finished speaking.  Sound Engineers have been working this week to finesse the acoustics and are on hand for today’s meeting to assist if needed, but please bear with us if there appears to be any feedback on sound. The new equipment has numerous other features such as allowing electronic voting but those will be in place in due course.


(ii)  Last meeting of the Municipal Year


Members as you know this is the last meeting of the Municipal Year. I have enjoyed my time as Chair of these meetings even if often they have been challenging circumstances. 


I also thank all Members of the Council for their hard work and contributions made during this past year.


Some Councillors are not seeking re-election Councillors Fitzhenry, Paffey, McEwing, Quadir and T Bunday. We thank them for their service to their communities and wish them well.


(iii)  Goodbye to Adam Wilkinson


Members, I would like to formally say goodbye to Adam Wilkinson, Interim Executive Director of Place and thank him for all his hard work, dedication, and commitment to the City Council.


(iv)  Change in order of today’s business


Members, you will note from the order of the summons for today’s meeting that item 13, Asset Development and Disposal Programme (ADDP) is last on the agenda in order that we can consider the confidential appendix should we need to. As that would require the Chamber to be cleared of the press and public, I intend to deal with that item last. 


In addition, we have a linked item on the agenda today.  We have an Executive Question in the name of Councillor Moulton, linked to the Public Question from Mr Obiri-Danso.  I would suggest that we change the agenda running order so that we bring forward Executive Question 2 and hear it directly after Mr Obiri-Danso’s questions.


Members, you will also be aware it is practice to bring forward the items of business on the agenda ahead of Executive Business and Motions, therefore items 9 – 11 will be taken ahead of items 5 – 8 with items 12 – Exclusion of the Press and Public and item 13 – Asset Development and Disposal Programme moving to the end of the meeting in order that the meeting can go into confidential session 


The running order will therefore be the public questions followed by Executive Question 2 in the name of Councillor Moulton.  We will then deal with items 9-11 followed by items 5-8 and then items 12 and 13.


(v)  Lord Mayor Charity Events


Members, I have some upcoming charity events to remind you of:-


28th March, Friends of Old Southampton will be presenting Mayoral Connections with Southampton Old Cemetery, a talk and exhibition with tea and cake.


14th April, Classic Car Display against the ancient walls of West Quay.


5th May, Blessing of the Water on Rogation Sunday on the SS Shieldhall at 2.30pm.


I look forward to seeing you there.


(vi)  Easter Egg Collection


As many of you will be aware the Council alongside our highways partner Balfour Beatty Living Places supports collecting Easter eggs for children across the city (i.e. children in our care, food banks etc).  Last year 3,000 eggs were donated. We hope to beat that this year.


Thank you to those officers and members who have already contributed. If you haven’t already donated the last day to receive collections is today, donations can be left with the Member’s Services team, Main Reception or Councillor Rayment, who is organising the drop off.  Monetary donations can also be made and the buying can be done for you.


(vii)  Filming


Members, today’s meeting is being live streamed and will also be available for members of the public to view online after the meeting.  For any member of the public filming, I remind you that the right to film is limited to the duration of the meeting and recording must cease when I close the meeting.  Filming or recording is not permitted if the effect would be to interrupt or disturb the proceedings or if it is intrusive of a specific individual or individuals.  If in my opinion this is occurring, it will not be permitted, and I will ask you to stop.


Similarly, some members of the public attending the meeting may object to being filmed, photographed or recorded and will expect that these wishes are complied with. 


Announcement by the Leader:


Members, it gives me great pleasure to announce a new park in the city following the recent Daily Echo’s competition to name it. With a reader’s poll of more than 2,600 the winning name was “Arundel Gardens” which closely links with our rich heritage and the iconic Arundel Tower, which dates all the way back to the 13th Century.


We are incredibly proud of our heritage in Southampton and the winning name reflects that residents are too.  I’m excited to see how both the bus hub and the park projects progress. The bus hub will support a better bus provision for both residents and visitors, as well as a choice of transport options and will boost the city’s economy by encouraging more tourists to visit.


We hope to open Albion Place Bus Hub and Arundel Gardens by the end of the year, so that the community can enjoy the new facilities.