Agenda item

Update on budget forecast for 2022/23 onwards and savings plans

Report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Capital Assets setting out the financial position for the Council as at the end of September 2021.


DECISION MADE: (CAB 21/22 32885)


On consideration of the report of the Cabinet Member for Finance and Capital Assets and having received representations from Sue Atkins, Parveen Ishfaq, Khalid Farook, Ismael Imran and Councillor Kataria on St. Marys Leisure Centre proposals, Cabinet agreed the following:


General Fund


i) Notes the update within this report and the assumptions it has been

necessary to make at this stage.

ii) Notes the new commitments which have been included in the

forecast as noted in paragraphs 9 and 10 and appendix 1.

iii) Notes the key headlines from the Autumn Budget and Spending

Review 2021 announcement set out in appendix 2.

iv) Notes the budget pressures which have been included in the forecast

which are set out in paragraphs 55 and 56 and appendix 3.

v) Notes the initial savings proposals set out in paragraphs 58 to 60 and

appendix 4.

vi) Notes that even with the proposals contained in this report, a budget

shortfall of £9.01M is still currently forecast for 2022/23 and notes the

options available to produce a balanced budget.

vii) Is asked to determine whether, in line with the current policy of no

increase in council tax, that this will apply to the Adult Social Care



Housing Revenue Account


viii) Notes the update and assumptions within this report set out in

paragraphs 69 to 95.

ix) Notes the proposal to freeze rents at the current level as set out in

paragraph 76.

x) Notes the proposals to freeze service charges set out in paragraph


xi) Notes the proposal to increase heating charges by 16.52 per cent as

set out in paragraph 83.

Supporting documents: