Agenda item

Southampton International Airport

Report of Head of Planning & Economic Development setting out considerations relating to the Council's response to Eastleigh Borough Counil's consultation in relation to Southampton Airport.


The Panel considered the report of the Head of Planning and Economic Development recommending delegated authority be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address.


Consultation from Eastleigh Borough Council regarding a planning application at Southampton Airport for the following development proposal: Construction of a 164 metre runway extension at the northern end of the existing runway, associated blast screen to the north of the proposed runway extension, removal of existing bund and the reconfiguration and extension of existing long stay car parking to the east and west of Mitchell Way to provide an additional 600 spaces. (This application is subject to an Environmental Impact Assessment)


Angela Cotton, Felix Eigenbrod, Katherine Barbour, Lyn Brayshaw, Gareth Narbed and Kendall Field -Pellow (local residents/ objecting), Neil Garwood (applicant), and Councillor Fuller (ward councillor objecting) were present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.


The presenting officer corrected an error within the report stating the paragraph 5.14 of the report should read:

“In the UK, domestic and international aviation emissions account for about 6%of total greenhouse gas emissions or 22% of the transport sector’s greenhouse gas emissions…”

In addition it was reported that further correspondence had been received following the publication of the report.  It was noted that this included a letter from Councillor Hammond on behalf of the Southampton Labour Group objecting to the airport expansion.  It was noted that the comments in the objection had been supported by an additional email from Angela Cotton supporting the Labour Group decision to object to the airports expansion. 


The Panel then considered the officers recommendations, as set out in the report. On being put to the vote the recommendation was lost.


RECORDED VOTE:  on the officer recommendation

FOR:   Councillors L Harris, G Galton and Prior

AGAINST:   Councillors Savage, Mitchell, Coombs and Fielker 


A further motion to respond to the consultation objecting to the expansion of the airport refuse, as set out below, was then proposed by Councillor Mitchell and seconded by Councillor Coombs.


RECORDED VOTE the motion proposed by Councillor Mitchell

FOR:  Councillors Savage, Mitchell, Coombs and Fielker

ABSTAINED:  Councillors L Harris, G Galton and Prior


RESOLVED that the Panel delegated authority to the Head of Planning and Economic Development to:


1.  Prepare and submit an objection letter on behalf of Southampton City Council to Eastleigh Borough Council ahead of them determining their planning application ref F/19/86707. The response shall include this report including Appendices and the redacted public comments received by Southampton City Council, to include the comments from the Labour Group.


The objection letter will comprise the following three parts:


Firstly, the proposal fails to satisfy the requirements of environmental and social impacts to residents of Southampton, particularly in respect of noise;


Secondly, the economic benefits do not outweigh the adverse environmental and social impacts and the application’s submission suffers from a lack of information as set out on pages 20-21 of the Panel report; and


Thirdly, in the event that Eastleigh Borough Council are minded to approve the application following the receipt of the SCC objection, they are encouraged to secure the control measures as set out on pages 21-22 of the Panel report, through planning conditions or S106 obligations.


The response letter will cover the following matters raised by Councillor Coombs:

·  Insufficient details in relation to tree works in the event of a change to the obstacle limitation surfaces around the airport / details of any tree works to be agreed in the event that tree works are required and Eastleigh Borough Council are minded to approve;

·  Off-site tree planting and mitigation;

·  Car occupancy Rates;

·  No justification for the change in flight split which may underestimate the noise impact;

·  25% growth restriction in line with the advice from the Committee on Climate Change;

·  Regional jet aircraft noise details




1)  That no vote taken on the second part of the proposed officer recommendation which sought delegated authority to respond to any subsequent consultation on application ref F/19/86707, subject to agreement from the Chair of the Planning and Rights of Way Panel. Therefore any further consultation from Eastleigh Borough Council ahead of their determination of this application will be brought before the Planning and Rights of Way Panel for a decision on the consultation response of Southampton City Council.

2)  That the Labour Councillors sitting on the Panel confirmed that they had no part in the discussions leading to the additional correspondence from the Labour Group Leader seeking an objecting to the proposed airport expansion.


Supporting documents: