Agenda item

Planning Application - 18/01659/FUL, 18/01679/MMA, 18/01964/FUL and 18/02087/FUL - Spitfire Quay, Hazel Road (Siva Plastics)

Report of the Service Lead, Planning, Infrastructure and Development recommending that conditional approval be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address. 


The Panel considered the report of the Service Lead, Planning, Infrastructure and Development recommending that conditional planning permission be granted in respect of the applications for proposed development at the above address.


The report details the following applications:


·  18/01659/FUL, Erection of a single storey building for use as logistics office with associated car parking, following demolition of existing building;

·  18/01679/MMA, Minor material amendment sought for variation of condition 2 (Approved plans) of planning permission 16/00844/FUL for removal of columns, resizing of building footprint and canopy, installation of a gate house and relocation of office/restroom/car parking. (retrospective);

·  18/01964/FUL, Installation of a boundary fence with entrance and exit gates fronting Hazel Road and part of access road (Part Retrospective); and

·  18/02087/FUL, Construction of a transfer building and bridge to connect building to main site following demolition of units 3 and 4.


Joseph Higgins and Tina Coombs(objecting), Marle Smith and Ian Donohue (agent), Hannah Mehta (applicant), Peter Gibson-Barnfantu (Architect)  (supporter) and Councillors Keogh and Houghton (ward councillors) were present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.


The presenting officer detailed a number of updates and changes to the reports within the presentations of each the applications.  The Panel requested that each of the applications conditions be amended and gave officers an indication, listed below, of how the Panel wished for the conditional authority to be amended.  It was agreed that the specific wording of any amended conditions be amended as per the Panels instruction and then presented as a courtesy to the applicant prior to any conditional planning permission.


The Panel then considered the recommendations to delegate authority grant planning permission to the Service Lead, Planning, Infrastructure and Development. Upon being put to the vote the amended recommendations for application numbers 18/01659/FUL, 18/01679/MMA, 18/01964/FUL and 18/02087/FUL were carried unanimously.




1.  Application 18/01659/FUL, - Erection of a single storey building for use as logistics office with associated car parking, following demolition of existing building;


The Panel delegated to the Service Lead – Planning, Infrastructure and Development to grant conditional planning permission subject to a review of the recommended planning conditions and consultation with the applicants, to include changes to conditions relating to:

·  Commencement;

·  flood resilience;

·  operational management plan;

·  Quayside Road parking and storage restrictions;

·  Quayside Road pedestrian footpath;

·  automated gate opening;

·  site signage;

·  provision of a green roof; 

·  landscaping;

·  construction noise;

·  external lighting; and

·  electric car charging feasibility.


2.  Application 18/01679/MMA, -  Minor material amendment sought for variation of condition 2 (Approved plans) of planning permission 16/00844/FUL for removal of columns, resizing of building footprint and canopy, installation of a gate house and relocation of office/restroom/car parking. (retrospective);


The Panel delegated to the Service Lead – Planning, Infrastructure and Development to grant conditional planning permission subject to a review of the recommended planning conditions and consultation with the applicants, to include changes to conditions relating to:

·  Commencement;

·   flood resilience and site flood safety plan;

·  operational management plan;

·  Quayside Road pedestrian footpath;

·   site signage;

·  landscaping including bollards,

·  construction noise; external lighting;

·  electric car charging feasibility;

·  contamination control;

·  BREEAM and noise mitigation; and

·  B8 storage restriction


3.  Application 18/01964/FUL, Installation of a boundary fence with entrance and exit gates fronting Hazel Road and part of access road (Part Retrospective);


The Panel delegated to the Service Lead – Planning, Infrastructure and Development to grant conditional planning permission subject to a review of the recommended planning conditions and consultation with the applicants, to include changes to conditions relating to:

·  Landscaping; construction noise; and

·  external lighting.


4.  Application 18/02087/FUL. - Construction of a transfer building and bridge to connect building to main site following demolition of units 3 and 4


The Panel delegated to the Service Lead – Planning, Infrastructure and Development to grant conditional planning permission subject to a review of the recommended planning conditions and consultation with the applicants, to include changes to conditions relating to:

·  Commencement;

·  operational management plan;

·   site signage;

·  external lighting;

·  noise mitigation, and

·  bridge height signage.

Supporting documents: