Agenda item

Marlhill Copse Felling Licence and application for works subject to a tree preservation order.

Report of the Service Director for Transactions & Universal Services detailing considerations in relation to Marlhill Copse


The Panel considered the report of the Service Director - Transactions and Universal Services seeking:

·  the Panels consideration in order to respond to the Forestry Commission in relation to the issuing of a felling licence to Southampton International Airport Limited for felling works at Marlhill Copse; and

·  approval of content within tree work application 19/00006/TPO. The work detailed is required in order to carry out the work within the felling licence application.


Gareth Narbed (local resident objecting), Graham Linecar (Southampton Commons and Parks Protection Society) Steve Thurston (Applicant) and Councillor Fuller (Ward Councillor) were present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the Panel.


The Panel noted that additional correspondence and information had been received including an ecologist report prepared for on behalf of objectors to the works.  The Panel noted that the area known as 1D have been removed from the felling licence and that therefore the number of trees being requested to be felled was now 20.


It was explained that the main felling works subject of the proposed felling licence were part of the Airport’s obstacle management strategy to remove obstructions.  Officers explained that the TPO works were required in order to facilitate the main felling works. Officers advised that in the light of the correspondence and additional information received, officers had amended the recommendation, as set out below, to ensure that the Council was actively involved in the Copse’s management plan.  In addition the officers recommended that nursery class trees be planted along the rear of the properties and that there is an appropriate scheme of ecological mitigation.


On being put to the vote the office’s amended recommendation was carried. 



FOR    Councillors Savage, Coombs, Claisse, L Harris, Mitchell

 and Wilkinson 

AGAINST:   Councillor Murphy 




(i)  To grant consent to the work as detailed within tree work application 19/00006/TPO for facilitation work at Marlhill Copse with a condition attached for a replacement tree and that it only be completed once a felling licence is received.

(ii)  To offer no objection to the Forestry Commission over the issuing of a felling licence for Southampton Airport to carry out the works at Marlhill Copse. Subject to the request that the following recommendations are applied:

a.  The approval comes with an undertaking that the Marlhill Copse Woodland Management Plan be incorporated within any permission and that the Council be fully involved with the Plan.

b.  Nursery standard trees be planted along the rear of the properties on a one for one basis for the felling of the 20 trees in the application. This is in addition to the 3 for 1 whip planting.

c.  An appropriate scheme of ecological mitigation, based upon a preliminary ecological appraisal and any recommended phase two species specific surveys, is submitted to the local planning authority for approval prior to works, including site preparation, taking place. 





Supporting documents: