Agenda item

Planning Application - 17/02476/FUL - 10 Furze Close

Report of the Service Lead, Planning, Infrastructure and Development recommending that the Panel delegate approval in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address.


The Panel considered the report of the Service Lead, Planning, Infrastructure and Development recommending delegated authority be granted in respect of an application for a proposed development at the above address.


Erection of 4 x 3 bed dwellings with associated car parking, bin/refuse and cycle storage.


Matthew Holmes (agent) and Ann Harvey (local resident objecting) were present and with the consent of the Chair, addressed the meeting.


The presenting officer reported that a letter had been received from Chapman Lily Planning Limited dated 6 March 2018 in support of the application.  The Planning Officer stated that all references in the report to 218 Middle Road should read 218a Middle Road.  The Panel expressed concern over the size of vehicular access within the locality and instructed officers to amend Conditions 12 and 22 as set out below.


The Panel then considered the recommendation to delegate authority to the Service Lead: Planning, Infrastructure and Development to grant planning permission. Upon being put to the vote the recommendation was carried.


RESOLVED that the Panel:


(i)  Delegate authority to the Service Lead: Infrastructure, Planning and Development approval to grant planning permission subject to the planning conditions recommended at the end of this report and amended conditions, set out below, and to secure financial contribution towards Solent Disturbance Mitigation Project (SDMP) to mitigate against the pressure on European designated nature conservation sites in accordance with Policy CS22 of the Core Strategy and the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010;

(ii)  Grant the Service Lead: Infrastructure, Planning and Development delegated powers to add, vary and /or delete relevant conditions as necessary: and

(iii)  Grant the Service Lead: Infrastructure, Planning and Development delegated powers for failure to satisfy the requirements of the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010.


Amended Conditions


Condition12 - Refuse & Recycling (Pre- Occupation condition)

Prior to the commencement of development, the following details are required and shall be submitted to and be approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority;

  details of storage for refuse and recycling;

  access to the storage for occupiers and refuse collectors;

  details of a private refuse collection solution including the size of the refuse collection vehicle.


The storage shall be provided in accordance with the agreed details before the development is first occupied and thereafter retained as approved. Unless otherwise agreed by the Local Planning Authority, except for collection days only, no refuse shall be stored to the front of the development hereby approved. Furthermore unless agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority the approved private refuse collection solution/ vehicles sizes shall be retained in perpetuity.


Reason: In the interests of highway safety, visual amenity, the amenities of future occupiers of the development and the occupiers of nearby properties.


Note to applicant: In accordance with para 9.2.3 of the Residential Design Guide (September 2006): if this development involves new dwellings, the applicant is liable for the supply of refuse bins, and should contact SCC refuse team at at least 8 weeks prior to occupation of the development to discuss requirements. The proposed refuse collection vehicle shall be no larger than the Council refuse vehicle currently serving Furze Close.


Condition 22 - Construction Management Plan (Pre-Commencement Condition)

Before any development or demolition works are commenced details shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority making provision for a Construction Method Plan for the development.  The Construction Management Plan shall include details of:

(a)   the size of the construction and delivery vehicles;

(b)  parking of vehicles of site personnel, operatives and visitors;

(c)   loading and unloading of plant and materials;

(d)   storage of plant and materials, including cement mixing and washings, used in constructing the development;

(e)   treatment of all relevant pedestrian routes and highways within and around the site throughout the course of construction and their reinstatement where necessary;

(f)   measures to be used for the suppression of dust and dirt throughout the course of construction;

(g)   details of construction vehicles wheel cleaning; and,

(h)  details of how noise emanating from the site during construction will be mitigated.


The approved Construction Management Plan shall be adhered to throughout the development process unless agreed otherwise in writing by the local planning authority.



In the interest of health and safety, protecting the amenity of local land uses, neighbouring residents, the character of the area and highway safety.


Supporting documents: