Agenda item

Council Tax Setting and related matters


(a) The Revised Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017/18 to 2020/21 Including the General Fun Revenue Budget


(b) The General Fund and Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme 2016/17 to 2021/22


The reports of the Cabinet Member for Finance were submitted seeking approval to the Revised Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017/18 to 2020/21, and the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account Capital Programme for 2016/17 - 2021/22 and outlining the main issues that needed to be addressed in considering the Cabinet’s budget and Council Tax proposals. The recommendations therein as amended by Executive Budget Resolution 2017/18 to comprise the Executive’s budget proposals were moved by Councillor Chaloner and seconded by Councillor Letts (a copy of the amended Executive Budget resolution as circulated at the meeting attached as Appendix 1 to these minutes).


In addition, the Executive approved the following further amendment:


·  £30k for Portswood Primary School to go towards the costs of converting their Junior Library into a teaching area, including the purchase of furniture and IT equipment.


The Council agreed to suspend Council Procedure Rules 14.2, 14.4, 14.5, 14.6, 14.7, 14.8, 14.9 and 16.2:-


(i)  to enable the above items to be considered together;

(ii)  to enable any amendments to be proposed, seconded and considered at the same time;

(iii)  to enable any amendment to be re-introduced later into the meeting; and

(iv)to revise the time allowed for speakers as follows:-

Movers of motions - 20 minutes

Seconders - 10 minutes

Other Speakers - 4 minutes

Right of Reply (Executive only) – 10 minutes


With the consent of the Mayor, Honorary Alderman Vinson addressed the meeting.


Amendment moved by Councillor Moulton and seconded by Councillor Hannides:


Add to the Education and Children’s Social Care Capital Programme for 2017/18 the following additions to be funded from Council Resources:


·  £350K for an additional classroom for Springhill Catholic Primary School to accommodate an additional bulge class.

·  £30K for the former Civil Service Sports Ground for benches, signage, bins and fencing.”



RESOLVED that the Revised Medium Term Financial Strategy 2017/18 to 2020/21 including the General Fund and Housing Revenue Account Capital Programmes 2016/17 to 2021/22, as amended by the Executive Budget Resolution 2017/18 (Appendix 1 to these minutes) and the further amendment detailed above, be adopted. 

NOTE: All Members of the Council declared a pecuniary interest in the above matter, as payers and setters of Council Tax, and remained in the meeting during the consideration of the matter.


NOTE – FOR THE AMENDMENT: Councillors J Baillie, P Baillie, Claisse, Fitzhenry, Fuller, Hannides, B. Harris, L. Harris, Houghton, Inglis, Laurent, Moulton, O’Neill, Painton, Parnell, Pope, Vassiliou, White and Wilkinson.


NOTE – AGAINST THE AMENDMENT: Councillors Barnes-Andrews, Mrs Blatchford, Bogle, Burke, Chaloner, Coombs, Denness, Furnell, Hammond, Jordan, Kaur, Keogh, Letts, Lewzey, McEwing, Mintoff, Murphy, Noon, Paffey, Payne, Rayment, Savage, Shields, Taggart and Whitbread.


ABSTAINED – Councillors Morrell, D Thomas and T Thomas. 


NOTE – FOR THE SUBSTANTIVE MOTION: Councillors Barnes-Andrews, Mrs Blatchford, Bogle, Burke, Chaloner, Coombs, Denness, Furnell, Hammond, Jordan, Kaur, Keogh, Letts, Lewzey, McEwing, Mintoff, Murphy, Noon, Paffey, Payne, Rayment, Savage, Shields, Taggart and Whitbread.


NOTE – AGAINST THE SUBSTANTIVE MOTION: Councillors J Baillie, P Baillie, Claisse, Fitzhenry, Fuller, Hannides, B. Harris, L. Harris, Houghton, Inglis, Laurent, Morrell, Moulton, O’Neill, Painton, Parnell, Pope, D Thomas, T Thomas, Vassiliou, White and Wilkinson.


Supporting documents: